Page 122 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 122
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 122 46C). Trnast rukohvat lijevan je zajedno sa sječivom i 4th cent. BC,221 entering in to the group of Macedonian
ima manji bočni ispust. Posebnost toga mača očuva- armaments.222
na je veća ovalna brončana oplata rukohvata, također
na krajnjem dijelu oštećena. Na njoj se, u središnjem The third example of an iron sword is characterized by
dijelu nalaze sa svake strane po dvije zakovice. Uspo- a gently blade which was in the lower part much wider
redbe mu možemo vidjeti također kod mačeva iz za- (Fig. 46). The tang was forged together with the blade
padnobalkanskog prostora gdje su se koristili tijekom and has a smaller frontal guard. A special feature of this
4. i 3. st. pr. Kr., a koji se od mahaire i kopisa razlikuju sword is the preserved round bronze grip also damaged
oblikom rukohvata.223 Takvi su nam primjerci poznati at the end. In the central part of it are preserved two lat-
iz Stoca224 i iz Gorice,225 uz pridodane im mačeve iz po- eral rivets. We can observe comparable swords which
dručja jadranskog priobalja, posebice onih iz Budve226 differ from the machaira and kopis due to the shape
i iz Gostilja.227 Srodne forme mogu se naći i kod neko- of the hilt on the western Balkan territory where they
liko primjeraka poznatih iz Vinice.228 were used during the 4th and 3rd cent. BC.223 Such exam-
ples are known from Stolac224 and Gorica,225 with sim-
Mačevima se pripisuju i veće željezne karike koje su ilar swords from the Adriatic coast, particularly from
vjerojatno bile dijelom pojasne garniture o koju se pri- Budva226 and Gostilj.227 Related forms can be found in
čvršćivao mač prilikom nošenja. several specimens known from Vinica.228

U svakom smislu, primjerci iz Osora obilježavaju izni- To the swords could be attributed also larger iron rings
mne nalaze za prostor Kvarnera, te uopće prve takvog that were probably parts of a belt set use for the suspen-
tipa na sjevernom Jadranu. Ukazujući na prisnije veze sion of sword.
sa zapadnobalkanskim i južnojadranskim prostorom
mlađeg željeznog doba, ističu se svojim odnosom i za- In every sense, the specimens from Osor are excep-
stupljenošću na prostornoj i kulturnoj karti njihova ra- tional finds in the area of Kvarner, and even first of such
sprostiranja. type in the northern Adriatic. Demonstrating closer

223 Parović-Pešikan 1982, 35, 42, 46. 221 Čović 1987, 454, sl. 26, 19; Vasić 1982a, 21; Quesada Sanz 1997, 157; cf. Borangic
224 Ćurčić 1907, 214, T. XIX, 1; Parović-Pešikan 1982, 41, T. IV, 5. 2009.
225 Truhelka 1899, 347-348, sl. 7; Parović-Pešikan 1982, 27, T. II, 4.
226 Marković 2012, 78, T. 5, 1-2. 222 E.g. in general seen in the: Quesada Sanz 1994, 77-88.
227 Parović-Pešikan 1982, 41, T. IV, 6. 223 Parović-Pešikan 1982, 35, 42, 46.
228 Usp. PMAEH, inv. nr. 40-77-40/11081 (http://pmem.unix.fas.harvard. 224 Ćurčić 1907, 214, T. XIX, 1; Parović-Pešikan 1982, 41, T. IV, 5.
225 Truhelka 1899, 347-348, sl. 7; Parović-Pešikan 1982, 27, T. II, 4.
edu:8080/peabody/view/objects/asitem/search$0040/12/title-desc?t:sta- 226 Marković 2012, 78, T. 5, 1-2.
te:flow=7259bb38-196e-47bf-b9ec-87a1cb2d6bea; 18. 04. 2014). 227 Parović-Pešikan 1982, 41, T. IV, 6.
228 Cf. PMAEH, inv. no. 40-77-40/11081 (http://pmem.unix.fas.harvard.

te:flow=7259bb38-196e-47bf-b9ec-87a1cb2d6bea; 18. 04. 2014).
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