Page 137 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 137
dnosu na ona s prethodne situle, ukrašavaju dakle mented four situlae from the grave Capodaglio 38, just povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 137
donji dio plašta posude.254 as in those cases is absent the fan-shaped motif in the
lower part of the vessel.255 All these graves (Capodaglio
Reprezentativni predstavnici takvog izvedbenog i 31 and 38; Boldù Dolfin 52/53) were chronologically in-
estetskog ukrašavanja situla jesu i na isti način iskiće- corporated into the late Hallstatt period, i.e. during the
ni plaštevi čak četiri situle i iz groba Capodaglio 38, late Este III (3 D1) period at the end of 5th and the 4th
samo što na tim primjercima izostaje lepezasti motiv cent. BC.256
u donjem dijelu tijela posuda.255 Svi su navedeni grobo-
vi (Capodaglio 31 i 38; Boldù Dolfin 52/53) kronološ- These specimens therefore represent an ornamental re-
ki uvršteni u nešto širi okvir kasnog halštatskog raz- alism, i.e. the last phase of Situla Art. In it the tradition-
doblja, odnosno u vrijeme Este III kasno (3 D1) kraja al form and technical fabrication was conventionally
5. i 4. st. pr. Kr.256 respected but the visual theme was reduced to a sym-
bolic decoration in one frieze – the narrative content
Navedeni primjerci predstavljaju stoga ornamentalni has disappeared in favour of decorative linearity which
realizam, tj. posljednju fazu situlske umjetnosti. Nji- was adorned with stylized vegetal motifs.257 In addition
me se tradicionalna forma i tehnička izradba konven- to Nesactium sites in the south-eastern Alpine hinter-
cionalno poštivala, ali je likovna tematika bila redu- land bearing examples of that Situla Style are Novo
cirana na simboličku dekorativnost u jednome frizu, Mesto, Valična Vas, Vače and Magdalenska gora (Fig.
odnosno narativni je sadržaj nestao u korist dekorativ- 51). For example in the same style are decorated lids of
ne linearnosti koju krase stilizirani biljni motivi.257 Po- situlae from Nesactium, tombs I/12258 and 1981, no. 70,259
red Nezakcija, nalazišta tog situlskog stila predstavlja- and also from Magdalenska gora – three examples are
ju Novo Mesto, Valična vas, Vače i Magdalenska gora known from the grave 2/46.260 In accordance with the
iz jugoistočnog alpskog zaleđa (sl. 51). Tako su npr. u
istome stilu ukrašeni i poklopci situla kako iz Nezak- 255 Frey 1969, T. 72; T. 73.
256 Frey 1969, 24, 44-45, Abb. 11. Here we must highlight the different fans whi-
254 Frey 1969, 100, T. 77, Beilage 2; Chieco Bianchi 2002, 24-25, Fig. 18.
255 Frey 1969, T. 72; T. 73. ch were made in the same way - with similar decorative elements of shorter
256 Frey 1969, 24, 44-45, Abb. 11. Ovdje svakako treba istaknuti i različite lepeze and longer vertical ribs in one or two friezes. A certainly exclusive representa-
tive of this derives from Populonia, Tomba dei Flabelli (Kossack 1998, 133, Fig.
koje su izrađivane na isti način, odnosno sličnim dekorativnim elementima 3), but is known also from other Etruscan and Venetan sites (Bonfante 1981, 21,
kraćih i dužih vertikalnih rebara u jedan ili dva friza, čiji svakako ekskluzivni Fig. 36). An unusual interesting piece is the incised decoration of a fan-shaped
predstavnik potječe iz Populonije, Tomba dei Flabelli (Kossack 1998, 133, Fig. motif with dots on a fragment of a bronze handle of a fan from the rich tomb
3), ali i iz ostalih etruščanskih i venetskih nalazišta (Bonfante 1981, 21, Fig. 36). I/12 from Nesactium (Mihovilić 2001, T. 24, 14, sl. 67).
Neobična je zanimljivost upravo urezani ukras lepezastog motiva s točkicama 257 Knez 1984, 94-95.
na ulomku brončane ručke lepeze iz bogate I/12 grobnice iz Nezakcija (Miho- 258 Mihovilić 2001, T. 16. 1.
vilić 2001, T. 24, 14, sl. 67). 259 Mihovilić 1996, 49, T. V, 70, sl. 21.
257 Knez 1984, 94-95. 260 Tecco Hvala et al. 2004, T. 42, 10; T. 43, 12; T. 44, 15.
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