Page 159 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 159
dnjolatenskih shema vremenski nastupaju, kako je Celts. Fibulae of middle La Tène schemes appear in partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 159
rečeno, uz pojedine varijante fibula tipa Certosa ili tipa the period together, as said, with some variants of Cer-
Baška. Na Kvarneru je zabilježen proporcionalno ve- tosa or Baška type’s fibulae. In Kvarner was recorded a
lik broj fibula takvih značajki (sl. 57-60). Brončane su proportionally large number of such fibulae with such
fibule nedvojbeno bile djelom radioničkih centara na features (Fig. 57-60). Bronze fibulae were undoubted-
području Caput Adriae, gdje se tako oblikovalo i neko- ly produced in workshops on Caput Adriae area, where
liko zasebnih tipova koji su izrazito dugo opstali u mo- several individual types were shaped remaining long
di.302 Obilježava ih navoj uokolo luka fibule te posebno in fashion.302 They were characterized by a coil around
oblikovane i ukrašene unatrag povijene nožice, s raz- the bow and particular designed and decorated back-
ličito profiliranim i/ili ukrašenim dugmetima ili spoj- ward bent feet with differently profiled and/or decorat-
nicama. Zajednice koje su tada obitavale na Kvarneru ed buttons or clamps. Communities inhabiting Kvar-
nastavile su tako održavati svoje snažne i ukorijenjene ner continued to maintain their entrenched tradition,
tradicije, bez obzira na infiltriranje novih impulsa ili regardless of the infiltration of new impulses or signifi-
značajnijih povijesnih preobrata koji su se odvijali u, i cant historical turnovers that took place in, and around
uokolo njihove »stvarnosti«. their »reality«.

Iz istraživanja osorske Kavanele očuvan je razmjerno From research of Kavanela was preserved a relative-
velik broj fibula srednjolatenskih shema. Mnoge od ly large number of fibulae of middle La Tène scheme.
njih pribrojiti se mogu jednostavnim formama fibula s Many of they can be added to simple forms fibula with
karakterističnim oprugama od tri ili četiri navoja i s te- characteristic springs from three or four coils is the
tivom/navojem uokolo luka fibule (sl. 57). Lukovi fibu- chord/coil turned around the bow of the fibula (Fig.
la variraju od punih, masivnih kružnih ili polukružnih 57). Bows are ranging from a full, massive with circu-
pa sve do lećastih ili u potpunosti istanjenih presjeka. lar or semi-circular and all the way to lenticular or com-
Neke od njih ukrašene su urezanim linearnim motivi- pletely thinned cross-sections. Some of them were dec-
ma. Te činjenice svjedoče u prilog tezi da su one dugo orated with incised linear motifs. These facts testify in
bile u uporabi, vjerojatno tijekom čitavog mlađeg favour of the thesis that they were long in use, probably
željeznog doba sve do kraja 2. st. pr. Kr. što podupire throughout the late Iron Age to the end of the 2nd cent.
i njihova velika zastupljenost od čak 30-ak primjeraka. BC, which supports and their numerous presence of
Budući da ih je većina prilično oštećena, odnosno ne- even 30 examples. Since most of them were pretty dam-
dostaju im i nožica i spojnica, pomnija im je tipološka aged or missing and their feet and joints, their more de-
opredjeljivost onemogućena. Pozornost je stoga usm- tailed typological definition is not possible. Attention
is therefore focused on two types which, in their ver-

302 Guštin 1991, 36. 302 Guštin 1991, 36.
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