Page 167 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 167
Tako je zapravo postignut efekt ukrasa sa dva du- is repeated on its button, and the very foot ends with a partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 167
gmeta na »luku fibule«, što je opet približava fibulama series of incised lines on the small clamp fastening to
tipa Idrija. Upravo će taj dekorativni element na za- the bow of the fibula. In this way is achieved the effect of
ključku noge, kao i opruga s tetivom uokolo luka fibu- decoration with two buttons on the »bow of the fibu-
le, biti neposrednom vezom ili srodnost s fibulom tipa la«, which is again approaching to the Idrija type of fib-
Kastav. Međutim, sve su fibule tipa Nezakcij tehnološ- ulae. It is this decorative element on the end of the foot,
ki drugačije izradbe, znatno gracilnije i osjetljivije gra- as well as springs with a string around the bow of the
đe, pa je to možda racionalan i realan razlog zbog ko- fibula, that are the direct connection with the Kastav
jeg uglavnom nedostaju noga i, u pravilu, igla poznatih type fibulae. However, all the Nesactium type fibulae
fibula.317 were technology manufactured differently – they were
much more gracious and sensitive. Perhaps their con-
Brojnošću se predstavljaju fibule iz Osora gdje ih je do struction is the rational and realistic reason why they
ovoga trenutka, naravno u ulomcima, zabilježeno 14 generally lack the foot and the known pin of the fibula.317
primjeraka,318 a slijede nalazi iz južnog dijela Istre, Ne-
zakcija i Pule, gdje je sve ukupno do sada definirano Most numerous are the fibulae from Osor, where up to
12 fibula.319 U svakom primjeru, nalaz i dvije fibule tipa this time, of course, in fragments, were recorded 14 ex-
Nezakcij u svetištu Reitie u Este zrcaliti će nam njiho- amples,318 followed by finds from the southern part of
vu osobitu vrijednost.320 Istria, Nesactium and Pula, where up to now 12 fibulae
are known.319 In any case, the discovery of two exam-
Fibule su, prema dorađenim tehnološkim i stilskim ples of Nesactium type fibulae in the sanctuary of Reit-
odlikama, razlikovane i dvjema podvarijanatama koje ia in Este reflects their special value.320
su obje zastupljene upravo na Osoru i Kastvu (sl. 60).321
Uočava se kako je funkcionalno i dekorativno na tim Fibulae were, according to their technological and sty-
listic features, differentiated and two sub-variants that
317 D. Božič definirao je predmetni tip fibule kao varijantu Nezakcij kastavskog
tipa fibule (Božič 2011, 254), s istim onim argumentima kojima se služio pri 317 D. Božič defined this type as a Nesactium variant of the Kastav type fibula
izdvajanju varijante Idrija u zaseban tip! Epistemološki, a ni tipološki nezakcij- (Božič 2011, 254), with the same arguments that had been used in isolating vari-
ske fibule ne mogu biti varijantom fibule tipa Kastav, o čemu je već bilo raspra- ants Idrija in a separate type! Epistemologically and typologically Nesactium
ve (Blečić Kavur 2009). fibulae can‘t be a variant of Kastav type fibulae, which has already been discus-
sed (Blečić Kavur 2009).
318 Blečić Kavur 2010, k. 696-702, 720-725, T. 48, 696-702; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 46,
49 – konzervacijom fibula možda će biti moguće spojiti nekoliko ulomaka, 318 Blečić Kavur 2010, k. 696-702, 720-725, T. 48, 696-702; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 46,
čime će se ujedno potvrditi i njihov konačan broj. Isto vrijedi i za ostale fibule 49 – after the conservation it will be possible to join several fragments which
srednjolatenskih shema, što je već pokazano i na primjerima fibula tipa Baška i will determine their final number. The same goes for all other fibulae of the
Certosa. middle La Tène scheme which was already demonstrated on the Baška and
Certosa type fibulae.
319 Blečić Kavur 2009, Fig. 4, 9-10, 14; Fig. 5; Mihovilić 2009, Fig. 3, 24-25; Orlić
2011, sl. 13, T. II, 3, 5. 319 Blečić Kavur 2009, Fig. 4, 9-10, 14; Fig. 5; Mihovilić 2009, Fig. 3, 24-25; Orlić
2011, sl. 13, T. II, 3, 5.
320 Meller 2002, 2, 20, 22; Blečić Kavur 2009, 21, Fig. 4, 7-8.
321 Blečić Kavur 2009, 200-204, Fig. 4. 320 Meller 2002, 2, 20, 22; Blečić Kavur 2009, 21, Fig. 4, 7-8.
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