Page 168 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 168
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 168 fibulama jasno odvojeno, ali i snažno isprepleteno. U were both represented just in Osor and Kastav (Fig.
estetskom je pak smislu stvoren geometrijski, ali opet 60).321 It is observable that the functional and decorative
promišljen i skladno dinamičan ukras koji »teče« element at these fibulae is clearly separated, but also
duž cijele, oku vidljive strane fibule. Plastično profili- strongly intertwined. In the aesthetic sense is created a
rano ispupčenje ukrašeno je motivom urezanog zna- geometric, but again deliberate and coherent dynamic
ka »X« ili »klepsidre«, kompozicijom dvije do tri decoration that »flows« along the whole visible part of
kose linije, te interpolacijom jedne ili dvije linije koje the fibula. Plastically profiled bulge was decorated with
su na njih poprečno urezane. Ista dekoracija nalazi se a motif of »X« shaped incisions or »water-clock«, the
i na dugmetu oštro povijene noge. Tako prikazan mo- composition of two to three oblique lines and the in-
tiv klepsidre evocira na poznati ukras kod fibula tipa i terpolation of one or two lines that were obliquely in-
varijante Kastav znanih iz Prozora i Kompolja,322 a su- cised on them. The same decoration was located on the
srest će se, doduše vrlo rijetko, i na pojedinim varijan- button of the severely bowed foot. The depicted image
tama fibula tipa Certosa, poput one iz Dernazzacca of a water-clock evokes the famous decoration at fibu-
kod Udina.323 lae of Kastav type and variants known from the Prozor
and Kompolje,322 and will be encountered, though very
Osor i po pitanju fibula nezakcijskog tipa brojnošću rarely, in individual variants of Certosa type fibulae, like
i različitošću premašuje sva dosad poznata nalazišta. the one from Dernazzacco near Udine.323
Izvan regionalnog sjevernog Jadrana, Kvarnera i Istre,
nalaze se tek sporadično, i to ondje gdje su bili tradi- Osor in terms of abundance and diversity of Nesac-
cionalno isprepleteni odnosi različitog karaktera, bilo tium type fibulae exceeds all previously known sites.
da je riječ o prostoru Veneta i Marchi s jedne ili Vinice Outside the regional northern Adriatic, there were dis-
s druge strane. Regionalna produkcija i stvaranje pre- covered only sporadically, and only on locations of tra-
ma uzoru poznato je još od starijeg željeznog doba, pa ditionally intertwined relations, either on the territory
je i u ovoj prilici razvijanje i formiranje mjesnog ukusa of Veneto and Marche on one or Vinica on the other
preuzetih formi tada dominantnoga stila latenske civi- side. Regional production and creation according to
lizacije posve opravdavajuće. models was known ever since the Early Iron Age and,
in these circumstances, the development of the local
Može li se, napokon, kvantitetom nalaza određivati i expression of the taken forms of the dominant La Tène
mjesto produkcije, sporno je, osobito ako pri tomu ne- style is completely justifiable.

322 Todorović 1968, T. LIX, 8. 321 Blečić Kavur 2009, 200-204, Fig. 4.
323 De Piero 1985, 183, Fig. 5a, b. Fibula pripada tipu VIIc Certosa fibula, koje se jav- 322 Todorović 1968, T. LIX, 8.
323 De Piero 1985, 183, Fig. 5a, b. Fibula belongs to the variant VIIc of Certosa fibu-
ljaju s primjercima X vrste i ostaju vrlo dugo u modi (Teržan 1976, 327, 357, sl.
44). lae which appear together with examples of the X variant and remain in use for
a long period of time (Teržan 1976, 327, 357, sl. 44).
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