Page 172 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 172
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 172 bro poznati nalazi iz grobova u Aseriji i Ninu,334 odno- the so-called »silver hoards«. Less frequently they are
sno nalazi iz Jagodnje Gornje i Baške,335 koji su ujedno known from the graves, which also contained a majori-
i kronološka odrednica njihove uporabe tijekom 3. ili ty of silver made examples – therefore it can’t be exclud-
ranog 2. st. pr. Kr. ed that they were hoards, of just as vice versa, as especially
in the case of the hoard from Baška.333 This is well illus-
Premda su varijante Id fibule tipa Certosa znatno za- trated with graves in Asseria and Nin,334 and respectively
stupljenije u odnosu na fibule tipa Baška najmlađe va- finds from Jagodnja Gornja and Baška,335 which are also
rijante, srebrne inačice oba tipa uglavnom slijede iste the chronological determinants of their use during the
prostorne i kulturne zastupljenosti. S obzirom na kon- 3rdor early 2nd cent. BC.
tekst, možda se mogu u prisniju vezu s tim »novoob-
novljenim« domaćim fibulama na Osoru dovesti i dvi- Although variants Id of Certosa type fibulae are much
je srebrne fibule srednjolatenske sheme (sl. 61B). Teže more prevalent in relation to the Baška type fibulae of
ih je tipološki odrediti jer im nedostaju karakteristični youngest variants, silver versions of both types tend to
elementi nožica i ukrasa. Samo je na jednoj, masivnijoj follow the same spatial and cultural distribution. Giv-
fibuli očuvana profilirana spojnica, što asocira upravo en the context, perhaps could be linked in to a more in-
na spojnice fibula srednjolatenskih shema mlađih vari- timate relationship with the »newly refurbished« do-
janti fibula tipa Kastav ili Picugi, čemu bi u prilog išao mestic fibulae in Osor two silver fibula of the middle La
i suženo profiliran završetak luka koji prelazi u opru- Tène scheme (Fig. 61B). They are harder to be typologi-
gu od dva navoja. Zanimljiv je podatak o nalazu po- cally determined since they lack the typical elements of
dudarne fibule u furlanskom Dernazzaccu. Profilacija the foot and decoration. Only on one, massive fibulae, is
i oblik luka, ovalno okruglastog presjeka, te istovjetna preserved the moulded clamp, which resembles exact-
spojnica kao i izradba u srebrnu to će potvrđivati.336Fi- ly the clamps from younger variants of fibulae of middle
bule takvih karakteristika koristile su se uglavnom ti- La Tène scheme such as Kastav or Picugi, which would
jekom 3. i u 2. st. pr. Kr. be supported by a narrow profiled termination of the
bow passing into to a spring with two coils. A similar
Nesumnjivo se kao posljednja prepoznatljiva kreacija fibula was discovered in Friuli in Dernazzacco. The pro-
umjetničkog obrta iz kulture središnjeg prostora Li- file and the round cross-section of the bow, an identical
burnije predstavlja liburnska pločasta fibula. Iz Osora clamp as well as the manufacture in silver are supporting
zasad poznajemo samo jednu fibulu337 uz pridružene
333 Mader 2006, 240-241.
334 Batović 1965, Abb. 19a-20; Batović 1968, T. XVII-XIX. 334 Batović 1965, Abb. 19a-20; Batović 1968, T. XVII-XIX.
335 Batović 1974, T. XVII, 13; T. XVIII; T. XXVII, 5-6; Vinski 1956, Abb. 1a-1b; Ba- 335 Batović 1974, T. XVII, 13; T. XVIII; T. XXVII, 5-6; Vinski 1956, Abb. 1a-1b; Ba-

tović 2003, sl. 10-14. tović 2003, sl. 10-14.
336 Pettarin 2006, 216, T. XXXI, 536.
337 Vinski1956,23,Abb.5;LoSchiavo1970,452,T.XXXIII,9;Batović1974,198,sl.5,5.
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