Page 174 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 174
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 174 uz ostale nakitne oblike inspirirane helenističkim stil- 4 and 5 of younger variants, according to the classifi-
skim obilježjima i proizvodili.343 cation of Š. Batović. They are characterized by a fairly
narrow body and pronounced length with more specif-
Nakit i dijelovi nošnje ic affinity with fibulae of the earlier phase in to which
may belong the fibula from Rijeka.340 Chronologically
Izuzev raskošnih i/ili statusnih fibula, nakit i opre- is therefore placed in to the VB phase of Liburnian cul-
mu krasile su i različite naušnice, ogrlice, narukvice, tural group.341 The specimens from Kvarner, with the
dugmad, zatim pojasni ukrasni okovi baš kao i broj- one from Nesactium342 were treated as products im-
ni privjesci, različitih oblika i mnogi drugi. Kako je o ported from the Liburnian area, where they were reli-
okovima i privjescima već bilo riječi, izdvojiti valja pri- ably, along with other forms of jewellery, inspired by the
mjerke kolutastog nakita, odnosno narukvica. Jedno- Hellenistic stylistic characteristics and products.343
stavne, neukrašene spiralne narukvice, koje su inače
karakteristične za prostor Istre, nađene su također i Jewellery and elements of attire
na Osoru.344 Njima se može pridružiti i spiralno prste-
nje i/ili ukrasi za pletenice (saltaleoni) izrađeni i ukra- Apart from the luxurious and/or status reflecting fibu-
šeni urezanim snopovima linija i kružnica s točkom u lae, attire were adorned also by various earrings, neck-
sredini.345 S obzirom na nedostatak ikakvog konteksta laces, bracelets, buttons and decorative belt buck-
samo se približno mogu datirati od kraja 5. pa sve do les, as well as numerous pendants of different forms
3./2. st. pr. Kr. i uže povezati s bogatim horizontom fi- and many others. Since the belt buckles and pendants
bula tipa Certosa na širem prostoru sjevernojadranske were already discussed, one should set aside examples
regije. of annular jewellery, i.e. bracelets. The simple, undeco-
rated spiral bracelets, which were otherwise charac-
Nešto mlađe, karakteristične upravo za posljednje teristic of the area of Istria, were discovered also in Os-
faze mlađeg željeznog doba bit će i jednostavne žiča- or.344 We could add to them also the spiral rings and/
ne narukvice. Dvije narukvice masivne su izradbe s or decorations for braids (saltaleoni) decorated with in-
namotanim žičicama i obručima. Izdvaja se narukvi- cised sheaves of lines and circles with a point in the mid-
ca od deblje željezne žice s odvojenim i preklopljenim dle.345 Given the lack of any context, they can be dat-
krajevima (sl. 63). Uobičajeno se nalaze u muškim gro- ed only approximately from the end of the 5th until the
bovima kasnog latenskog razdoblja na području od ju- 3rd/2nd cent. BC and more closely associated with the

343 Batović 1974, 203-205. 340 Batović 1974, 198, sl. 5, 4-5.
344 Ćus-Rukonić 1981, T. III, 3. 341 Glogović 2006, 131, 137.
345 Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 51, 830-832. 342 Mihovilić 1995a, T. 2, 1, 3; Mihovilić 2013, 270, sl. 197.
343 Batović 1974, 203-205.
344 Ćus-Rukonić 1981, T. III, 3.
345 Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 51, 830-832.
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