Page 177 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 177
toč iznimnoj količini istražene i očuvane željezno- two examples from Osor. Described tweezers were partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 177
dobne građe, u ondašnjoj modi nije bila znatno proši- an important part of attire in the last cultural phases
rena tzv. kalotasta dugmad, od koje su sačuvana samo tri of the neighbouring Japodi and Liburni and especial-
brončana komada s istakama na vrhu kalote (sl. 63B). ly north in Vinica during the 3rd and 2nd cent. BC.350
Bio je to inače dobro prihvaćen dekorativan element Despite the exceptional amount of preserved items of
nošnje na prostoru kako otočnog, tako još više kopne- Iron Age material culture, in the fashion of the day was
nog dijela Kvarnera, značajan za regiju sjevernog Jadra- not significantly popular the use of the so-called calot-
na i njegova zaleđa.351 Zbog toga ju nalazimo na goto- ted buttons, of which there were discovered only three
vo svim istraživanim nalazištima s posebnim osvrtom pieces made from bronze with a projections on the top
na dugmeta iz bašćanske ostave/groba,352 jer upravo taj portion of a sphere (Fig. 63B). They were otherwise a
nalaz svjedoči o široj dataciji njihove uporabe tijekom well-received element of decoration of attire on the is-
čitavog razdoblja mlađeg željeznog doba. land and even more on the continental part of Kvarner,
significant for the region of the northern Adriatic and
U neposrednoj vezi s tim tipom stoje i tri primjerka sto- its hinterland.351 Therefore, they are found in almost all
žaste dugmadi, sa dva ili više rebara na izvučenom vanj- the investigated sites with special reference to the but-
skom rubu (sl. 63B). Ona je rjeđe zastupljeni nalaz na ton from Baška’s hoard/grave,352 since this find brings
Kvarneru, koji pak pokazuje usmjerenost k transferi- the evidence of their use throughout the Late Iron Age.
ma utjecaja iz šireg područja od Dolenjske preko Like In close connection with this type of buttons are three
sve do Kvarnera tijekom mlađeg željeznog doba, od 3. examples of conical buttons, with two or more ribs on the
do 2./1. st. pr. Kr.353 extended outer rim (Fig. 63B). They are a less abundant
discovery in Kvarner, demonstrating in turn the im-
pact of the wider area of Dolenjska across Lika to Kvar-
ner during the Late Iron Age, from the 3rd to the 2nd/1st
cent. BC.353

351 Božič 2009b, 72-76, sl. 13; Blečić Kavur 2010, 350-351, sl. 268-267. 350 Batović 1987, T. XLI, 7, 12; Klarin 2000, 38, T. 23, 4; T. 25, 2; Drechsler-Bižić 1987,
352 Batović 2003, sl. 12. T. XLIII, 8; cf. PMAEH inv. no: 40-77-40/10108 - 40-77-40/12614 (http://
353 Blečić Kavur 2010, 351-352, sl. 267-268; usp. Laharnar 2009, 105, sl. 10. sear-
ch$0040/0/title-desc?t:state:f low=05c53949-45f5-46cc-9b4a-ede034bc07f1;
18. 04. 2014).

351 Božič 2009b, 72-76, sl. 13; Blečić Kavur 2010, 350-351, sl. 268-267.
352 Batović 2003, sl. 12.
353 Blečić Kavur 2010, 351-352, sl. 267-268; cf. Laharnar 2009, 105, sl. 10.
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