Page 210 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 210
76. Ulomci slikane
keramike tipa Alto
Adriatico i karta
njezine rasprostran-
jenosti (nadopunjeno
prema Landolfi 1996;
Šešelj 2009).
Fragments of painted
pottery of the Alto
Adriatico type
and a map
of its distribution
(supplemented after
Landolfi 1996;
Šešelj 2009).
keramike tipa Alto
Adriatico i karta
njezine rasprostran-
jenosti (nadopunjeno
prema Landolfi 1996;
Šešelj 2009).
Fragments of painted
pottery of the Alto
Adriatico type
and a map
of its distribution
(supplemented after
Landolfi 1996;
Šešelj 2009).