Page 215 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 215,premadosadašnjempre- 215
gledu, postignut je vrhunac razvitka i značenja
Osora kao sjevernojadranske »metropole« u uring the 4th and 3rd cent. BC, according to
the previous examination, Osor achieved it’s
culmination of the development and mean-
širem optjecanju europskih povijesnih zbivanja. Zbog ing as the northern Adriatic »metropolis« in the broad
postojanih i profiliranih interakcija s okolnim kultur- circulations of European historical events. Due to per-
nim prostorima, kao i osnovom razvijenog gospodar- sistent and profiled interaction with surrounding cul-
tural areas, as well as the basis of a developed economy,
stva, može se pouzdano pretpostaviti kako stanov- it can be reliably assumed that the population of Osor
ništvo onodobnog Osora nije bilo u etničkom smislu was not homogeneous in ethnic terms, cramped or iso-
homogeno, skučeno ili izolirano. Mnoga nam arheo- lated. Numerous archaeological finds bear evidence of
loška građa svjedoči o snažnoj heterogenosti društva the strong heterogeneity of the society which did not
koje nije samo preuzimalo uvažene predmete i obli- only take over the enforced items and behaviours, but
ke ponašanja, nego je sa sobom donosilo i/ili prenosilo brought with them and/or passed certain knowledge
određena znanja i vještine, pogodnih za razvoj i recep- and skills, suitable for the development and reception
ciju mjesnih osobitosti, različitih manifestacija. of local peculiarities, of various manifestations.

No već krajem 3. st. pr. Kr. prostor sjevernog Jadrana But already at the end of the 3rd cent. BC the area of
našao se u interesnoj oblasti novog velikog hegemona: the northern Adriatic found itself in the field of inter-
Rimske Republike. Njezina agresivna politika kulmi- est of a new great hegemon – the Roman Republic.
nirala je najbližim tzv. histarskim ratovima koji su za- Its aggressive policy culminated in the so-called His-
ključeni osvajanjem Nezakcija 177. g. pr. Kr. i, barem trian wars which concluded with the conquest of Ne-
formalnim, okončanjem duge prapovijesti istarskog sactium in 177 BC and, at least formally, the termina-
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