Page 217 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 217
uotoka.427 Sama fizička povezanost bila je ključ- tion of the long prehistory of the Istrian peninsula.427 praskozorje nove epohe ■ the dawn of a new era 217
na da su se povijesni događaji vezani uz Istru izravno The sheer physical connection was crucial that the his-
odrazili na prilike i ne prilike u čitavom kvarnerskom torical events related to Istria directly reflected in the
bazenu.428 Opravdano se promišlja kako je već u 2. st. conditions and circumstances of the entire Kvarner ba-
pr. Kr. određena rimska vojna prisutnost morala biti sin.428 It is right to assume that already in the 2nd cent.
u Osoru. Ondje je, naime, jedina navigacijska točka iz BC a certain Roman military presence was in Osor.
koje su logistički mogli planirati, manevrirati i izvrši- There is located, in fact, the only navigational point out
ti učinkovit napad na Nezakcij.429 Dojmljiv broj fibu- of which it was possible to logistically plan, maneuver
la srednjo i kasnolatenskih shema te drugog arheo- and execute an effective attack on Nesactium.429 Im-
loškog gradiva jamcem je prispijeća novih kulturnih pressive numbers of fibulae of middle and late La Tène
dotoka koji su, rimskom propagandom, prodirali na scheme and other archaeological materials are a proof
naše prostore. of the arrival of new cultural influx with which the Ro-
man propaganda penetrated to our region.
Izrazitom zastupljenošću, s više od 20-ak primjeraka, With their presence of more than 20 examples are high-
ističu se fibule tipa Picugi prisutne s varijantama Aqu- lights the fibulae of Picugi type with their variants Aqui-
ileia i Picugi prema tipologiji M. Guština (sl. 77).430 leia and Picugi according to the typology of M. Guštin
Riječ je o fibulama srednjolatenske sheme, obiljež- (Fig. 77).430 These are fibulae of middle La Tène schemes,
jem razdoblja kraja mlađeg željeznog doba na širem a major feature of the period at the end of the Late Iron
prostoru Caput Adriae i njegova obližnjeg zaleđa. Po- Age on the wider area of Caput Adriae and its nearby

427 Kuntić-Makvić 1997; Matijašić 1998, 31-37; Starac 1999, 7-10; Mihovilić 2001, 427 Kuntić-Makvić 1997; Matijašić 1998, 31-37; Starac 1999, 7-10; Mihovilić 2001,
108; usp. Miškec 2008. 108; cf. Miškec 2008.

428 Takvo mišljenje dijelio je i Andre Mohorovičić daleke 1954. godine. 428 This opinion was shared by Andre Mohorovičić back in 1954.
429 Blečić Kavur 2014a. Plovidba od Osora do Nezakcija trajala je pola dana 429 Blečić Kavur 2014a. Sailing from Osor to Nesactium lasted half a day (25 Nm)

(25 Nm) kao najsigurniji put od srednjeg ka sjevernom Jadranu. Navigacija as the safest path from the central to the northern Adriatic. Navigation thro-
Kvarnerom odvijala se i u pravcu sjever-jug, duž zapadne creske obale koja ugh Kvarner was directed from the north to the south, along the western co-
je znatno zaštićenija od bure i od oluja toliko karakterističnih za Kvarnerić. ast of Cres, which is considerably more protected from the wind and from the
Budavski je zaljev bio zato i sigurna postaja prema Puli, budući da je južni storm so characteristic of Kvarnerić. Budava Bay was consequently a sure stop
premanturski rt najopasniji plovidbeni pravac tog dijela sjevernog Jadrana on the way to Pula, since the southern cape Premantura is the most dangero-
(Brusić 1980, 157-159; Stražičić 1981, 111; Zaninović 2005, 17-18; usp. drugačije us sailing direction of that part of the northern Adriatic (Brusić 1980, 157-159;
mišljenje kod Kozličić 1996, 40; Šašel 1996, 27; usp. Živković 2013, 31-32). Stražičić 1981, 111; Zaninović 2005, 17-18; cf. a different opinion in Kozličić 1996,
Raspolagati valja i činjenicom da je već krajem republikanskog i početkom 40; cf. Šašel 1996, 27; cf. Živković 2013, 31-32). We can manipulate with the fact
carskog razdoblja, a vjerojatno i ranije, na Osoru stacionirana vojna flota što that at the end of the Republican and early Imperial period, and probably ear-
suvislo podupire stela centuriona Likeja, časnika rimske liburne Lukuste lier, on Osor was stationed a military fleet – this is supported by the stele of the
(Alföldy, Mocsy 1965, 74; usp. Šarić 1982, 56; Starac 2000, 80-81, sl. 48). centurion Liccaeus, officer of the roman liburna Lucusta (Alföldy, Mocsy 1965,
430 Objavljeno samo par primjeraka: Ćus-Rukonić 1981, T. II, 3; Guštin 1987, 51-53, 74; cf. Šarić 1982, 56; Starac 2000, 80-81, sl. 48).
Fig. 12; Guštin 1991, 38-39. 430 Published were few examples: Ćus-Rukonić 1981, T. II, 3; Guštin 1987, 51-53, Fig.
12; Guštin 1991, 38-39.
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