Page 220 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 220
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 220 com u obliku kuglice (sl. 79B).436 Premda su oba tipa the bow which broadens towards the spring and a glob-
fibula oznaka keltske nošnje, dobro su zastupljene i ular clamp (Fig. 79B).436 Although both types of fibu-
na nekropoli Vinice, na prostoru Pokuplja s kojim je lae are characteristic for Celtic attire, they are well rep-
Kvarner, kako je pokazano, bio u prisnim odnosima. resented on the necropolis Vinica in the Kolpa region,
Njihovom međuodnosu vjerojatno se može pripisati i with which the Kvarner, as shown, was in close contacts.
postojanje takvih tipova fibula na Osoru, dosad nepo- It is their interrelationship that can most probably be
znatih na sjevernom Jadranu. blamed for the existence of these types of fibulae, pre-
viously unknown in the northern Adriatic, on Osor.
Međutim, do 1. st. pr. Kr. koristile su se i druge fibule However, until the 1st cent. BC were used also other
srednjolatenskih shema koje se najvećim dijelom po- types of fibulae of middle La Tène schemes that were
vezuju uz utjecaje iz udaljenih prostora. Ističu se tako mostly associated with influences from distant ter-
prvi put zabilježena tri primjerka žičanih brončanih fi- ritories. Out of them stand out for the first time re-
bula tipa Misano (sl. 80).437 Riječ je o relevantnim fibu- corded three examples of bronze wire fibula of Misa-
lama ponajviše ženskih nošnji kulture sjevernoitalskih no type (Fig. 80).437 These fibulae were mostly elements
Insubra.438 Kako je navedeni tip u svom izvornom kon- of female attire present in the culture of the north Ital-
tekstu vrijedno kronološko uporište, obilježavajući ian Insubrii.438 Since the mentioned type is in its origi-
odgovarajući im stupanj Lt D1,439 može se samo pret- nal context a firm chronological base, it is appropriate
postaviti kako su tijekom druge polovice 2. i/ili tije- to date them to Lt D1.439 It can be only assumed that
kom 1. st. pr. Kr. fibule tih varijanti dospjele i na Osor. during the second half of the 2nd and/or during the 1st
cent. BC these fibulae arrived to Osor.
Nadalje, izuzev fibula srednjolatenskih shema, na sa- Furthermore, except for the fibulae of the middle, at
mom kraju stare ere korišteni su i određeni tipovi fibu- the very end of the old era certain types of fibula of the
la kasnolatenskih shema. Fibula s facetiranim lukom i

436 Dizdar 2013, 195-197. 436 Dizdar 2013, 195-197.
437 Razlikuju se još kao tip Misano 5b prema tipologiji E. Poletti Ecclesie (1999, 437 They differ as type Misano variant 5b according to the typology of E. Poletti

258-259) ili kao tip Feugere 1b2 prema M. Feugeru (1985, 186-188), tj. kao tip Ecclesia (1999, 258-259) or as type Feugere 1b2 according to M. Feugere (1985,
XXIIj prema A. M. Adam (1996, Tipo XXIIj, 294). U svetištu Retie u Este, gdje 186-188), i.e. as a type XXIIj according to A. M. Adam (1996, Type XXIIj, 294).
ih je istražen povelik broj definirane su općenito tipom Misano (Meller 2002, In the sanctuary of Retia in Este where numerous were discovered, they were
T. 8, 91-99). Slijedom istog konteksta valja im pridružiti i fibulu tih obilježja iz defined in general as the type Misano (Meller 2002, T. 8, 91-99). We should add
rta Ploče kod Rogoznice (Šešelj 2012, 360, T. III, 1) i fibulu iz Sv. Martina u Istri, to them also the fibula of these characteristics from rt Ploče near Rogoznica
koja je u izvornoj objavi uspoređena s fibulama tipa San Servolo (Mihovilić (Šešelj 2012, 360, T. III, 1) and the fibula from St. Martin in Istria, which was in
2009, 212-213, Fig. 3, 28)!? Istom tipu pripada i jedna fibula iz helenističkog its original publication compared with fibulae of San Servolo type (Mihovilić
groba 1 u Nadinu (Batović, Batović 2003, T. XVI, 36). 2009, 212-213, Fig. 3, 28)!? To the same type belongs a fibula from the tomb 1 in
438 Tizzoni 1985, 58-59, Fig. 3, 6; Grossi, Iuliano 2010, 22-23. Nadin (Batović, Batović 2003, T. XVI, 36).
439 Piana Agostinetti, Knobloch 2010, 6, 13, Fig. 2; Fig. 7. 438 Tizzoni 1985, 58-59, Fig. 3, 6; Grossi, Iuliano 2010, 22-23.
439 Piana Agostinetti, Knobloch 2010, 6, 13, Fig. 2; Fig. 7.
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