Page 221 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 221
Djelomično očuvana brončana fibula kasnolatenske sheme Partially preserved bronze Late La Tène scheme fibula praskozorje nove epohe ■ the dawn of a new era 221
facetiranog luka. with a faceted bow.

trapezoidnom nogom440 jedna je od njih (sl. 81), a već ju late La Tène scheme were used. A fibula with a faceted
od ranije, s jednim primjerkom, poznajemo iz Krka.441 bow and trapezoid foot440 is one of them (Fig. 81). An
Njezina prostornost određena je od Trenta, Veneta i example was already known from the island of Krk.441
Furlanije pa do Ljubljanske kotline,442 s najvećom kon- Its distribution ranges from Trento, Veneto and Friuli
centracijom na prostoru doline rijeke Po. Datacijski se to the Ljubljana basin,442 with the highest concentra-
uže povezuju uz Lt D1b stupanj443 u čiji se vremenski tion in the area of the Po valley. They are dated to the
raspon ranog 1. st. pr. Kr. uklapaju i kvarnerske fibule. Lt D1b phase,443 a time span of the early 1st cent. BC in
to which should fit also the fibulae from Kvarner.
Od sredine 1. st. pr. Kr. zastupljenost određenih fibu-
la kasnolatenske sheme je znatno manja, no tipološki Since the middle of the 1st cent. BC the number of cer-
raznolika. Ukupno 14 fibula mogu se odrediti u čak tain fibulae of the late La Tène scheme is much small-
6 tipova. Ponajprije, tu su tri, različito očuvane, fibule er, but they are typologically more diverse. The total of
tipa Almgren 65A1,444 smatrane najčešće elementom 14 fibulae can be determined in to even six types. First
muške nošnje (sl. 82). Označavaju kulturno područje of all, there are three differently preserved fibulae of
sjeverne Italije i srednje Europe, premda su, u određe- the Almgren 65A1 type,444 considered the most com-
nom broju, bile rasprostranjene i na području istočne mon element of male costume (Fig. 82). They indicate

440 Tip Ia prema S. Demetzu (1999, 94-95, Karte 27), tip XXVIIId prema A. M. 440 Type Ia according to S. Demetz (1999, 94-95, 27 Karte 27), type XXVIIId
Adam (1996, Tipo XXVIIId, 443-445). according to A. M. Adam (1996, Type XXVIIId, 443-445).

441 Matejčić 1963, 114-115. 441 Matejčić 1963, 114-115.
442 Demetz 1999, 246, Karte 27; Meller 2002, T. 26-27; Božič 2008, 84-86, Fig. 43. 442 Demetz 1999, 246, Karte 27; Meller 2002, T. 26-27; Božič 2008, 84-86, Fig. 43.
443 Božič 2008, 84-85. 443 Božič 2008, 84-85.
444 Težak-Gregl 1982, 99, 106, sl. 1, 3; Matijašić 1984, 55, 63, T. III, 34. 444 Težak-Gregl 1982, 99, 106, sl. 1, 3; Matijašić 1984, 55, 63, T. III, 34.
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