Page 55 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 55
blok osigurao od pucanja. Spojevi su dijelom kon- block and with a convex outer surface in order to pro- prosperitet grada ■ prosperity of the city 55
struirani »na koljeno«, zbog učvršćenja zidne mase i tect the block from cracking. The joints were partial-
otklona eventualnih iskliznuća. Kamen je prema jez- ly constructed »on the knee«, for fixing the wall mass.
gri slagan poput klinova, pa ukupna širina bedema na Stone blocks were wedge-shaped. The overall width of
pojedinim mjestima iznosi i više od 4,5 m, pri čemu je the walls is in some places more than 4.5 meters with
vanjski zid širok oko 1,5 m, dok je jezgru sačinjavala na- the outer wall 1.5 meters wide, while the core, to which
bijena ilovača sa sitnim kamenjem, kojoj pripada i osta- belonged the rest of the width, consisted of compacted
tak konstrukcijske širine.76 clay with small stones.76

Usprkos tako monumentalnoj gradnji, osorske su me- Despite such a monumental construction Osor city
galitske zidine očuvane djelomice. Dobro se mogu walls are only partially preserved. They can be ob-
uočiti na istočnoj strani pružanja, od Bijara prema served on the eastern side of their extension from Bi-
grobljanskoj crkvi Sv. Marije (sl. 17 C-D; 20). Ondje su jar towards the cemetery church of St. Mary (Fig. 17C-
očuvane u relativnoj visini od 1 do 2 m, ali je njihova du- D; 20). There they are preserved in a relative height of 1
bina znatno izražajnija. Potvrdilo se to i prilikom istra- to 2 meters, but their depth is much expressive. The lat-
živanja grobljanske crkve Sv. Marije, gdje su, tijekom ter was confirmed during the investigation of the cem-
zaštitnih arheoloških i konzervatorskih radova, kame- etery church of St. Mary, where, during rescue archae-
ni blokovi i preslagivani.77 ological and conservation works, it was discovered that
the stone blocks were displaced.77
Prapovijesna ulazna vrata s kulama, kao niti drugi po-
datci stambene ili urbane arhitekture zasad nisu usta- Prehistoric gates with towers as well as any other infor-
novljeni. Takvo stanje, u većini, opravdava činjeni- mation on residential or urban architecture were not
ca tisućljetne opstojnosti u istim tlocrtnim okvirima, discovered yet. This situation is justified mostly by the
s neminovnim i neprestanim preslojavanjem novih fact that in the millennia of existence the city remained
gradnji. Ipak, na južnom su potezu bedema, arheološ- in the framework of the same ground plan with con-
kim radovima definirana gradska vrata rimskoga po- stant stratification of new constructions. Though, on
stanka. U tlocrtu, međutim, očituju prapovijesni tip the southern stretch of the walls, archaeological work
kosog ulaza u grad, koja su u vrijeme rimske domina- defined the city gates of Roman origin. In the ground
plan, however, they reflect a prehistoric type of oblique
76 Prilikom istraživanja nađeno je mnoštvo importirane keramike. Ponajviše se
određuje apulskoj produkciji crveno slikane keramike i keramici tipa Gnathia 76 During the research a multitude of imported pottery was discovered. It belo-
srednje faze, koje su datirale građevinu u kraj 4. i poč. 3. st. pr. Kr. (Faber 1982, nged largely to the Apulian red painted pottery and Gnathia ceramics of me-
72, sl. 7-11, Prilog 3; Faber 2000, 163-164); vidjeti ovdje poglavlje Raskoš keramič- dium phase. According to these finds, the building was dated in the 4th and
kog mozaika. in the beginning of the 3rd cent. BC (Faber, 1982, 72, sl. 7-11, Appendix 3; Faber
2000, 163-164); see here chapter Splendour of the ceramic mosaic.
77 Faber 2000, 164; usp. Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 31, 33.
77 Faber 2000, 164; cf. Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 31, 33.
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