Page 56 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 56
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 56 cije rane antike preuređena naličjem blokova uz ispu- entrance in to the city. They were in the period of Ro-
nu jezgre vapnenom žbukom. Struktura vrata seže 2,8 man domination converted to a form with a stone face
m u dubinu i u širinu od 5,2 m. Sam je helenistički dio and a core filled with lime mortar. The structure of the
zidina na tome mjestu debljine 1,80 m.78 Isto tako me- gate is 2.8 meters deep and 5.2 meters width, while the
galitski su zidovi razvidni i na zapadnoj strani pruža- Hellenistic walls at the location are only 1.80 meters
nja uz Kavanelu, ali u znatno nižim razinama i u kra- thick.78 Likewise megalithic walls are evident on the
ćoj sekciji pružanja (sl. 17A-B-19). I na tom su se dijelu western side along Kavanela, but at a significantly low-
izvodila manja probna istraživanja, a zid je djelomič- er level and in a shorter section (Fig. 17A-B-19). Small-
no saniran prilikom rekonstruiranja navedene dionice er test excavations were executed also at the location
pružanja 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća. Bedem je na dijelo- and the wall was partially repaired during reconstruc-
vima očuvan do najveće visine od 2,20 m, mada bloko- tion in the 60s of the 20th century. On several parts the
vi odstupaju od pravilnog četvrtastog formata i nema- wall was preserved to a maximum height of 2.20 meters
ju izvedenu anatirozu.79 although blocks deviate from the proper square form
and lack the constructive anathyrosis.79
Kroz povijest, osorski su bedemi doživljavali ne samo Throughout history Osor walls did not go only
znatne promjene i preuređenja, nego i destrukcije te through significant changes and reorganizations, but
neprimjerene rekonstrukcije. Sve to prilično nam ote- also destruction and inappropriate reconstructions. All
žava njihovo detaljnije analiziranje i poznavanje. Zani- this makes it difficult to analyze and understand them
mljivo je, kako neznatna korektura njegove površine in detail. It is interesting how slight correction of their
nije ostvarivala ekspanziju gradskog areala, toliko uo- surface is not achieve the expansion of the city area, as
bičajene kod drugih priobalnih gradova s takvim kon- common in other coastal towns with such a continui-
tinuitetom, nego je u pravilu, tijekom mlađih epoha, ty, but as a rule during the younger epoch tended to its
težila njegovoj redukciji.80 reduction.80

78 Faber 1982, 69-72, Prilog 3; usp. Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 38-39. 78 Faber 1982, 69-72, Appendix 3; cf. Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 38-39.
79 Faber 1982, 72, sl. 3, 10; usp. Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 43-48. 79 Faber 1982, 72, sl. 3, 10; cf. Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 43-48.
80 Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 26-27. 80 Blečić, Sušanj 2007a, 26-27.
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