Page 59 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 59
, čiji su pokopi, temeljem prikupljene građe, pouz- near the cemetery a sizable tumulus was partially exca-
dano smješteni u vrijeme starije faze starijeg željeznog vated. The discovered burials were reliably dated in to
doba.82 Istraživanjima je također potvrđeno kako se na the earlier phase of the Early Iron Age.82 Studies have
tome položaju moralo nalaziti više grobnih, najvjero- also confirmed that this position should contain sever-
jatnije, obiteljskih tumula.83 al, most likely, family tumuli.83

Budući da pojedinačni grobovi iz samog naselja, te tu- Since single graves from the settlement itself and the prosperitet grada ■ prosperity of the city 59
mul kod groblja Sv. Marije, predstavljaju građu stari- tumulus from the graveyard of St. Mary represent
ju od vremenskog okvirna ovdje prikazanoga gradi- material older than the here presented chronological
va, pozornost je usmjerena na predmete koji potječu frame, attention will be focused on the items that orig-
sa zapadne nekropole na Kavaneli. Riječ je uglavnom inate from the western necropolis on Kavanela. They
o starim istraživanjima čija nam dokumentacija nije, mainly come from old research whose documentation
nažalost, sačuvana.84 Međutim poznato je kako se on- is, unfortunately, not preserved.84 However, it is known
dje pokopavalo i u vremenu prapovijesti željeznoga i that the burials took place during prehistory (Iron
u vrijeme rimskog doba, odnosno kako se pokopava- Age) and in the Roman period. The burials were per-
nje obavljalo na više načina obrednih praksi: kostur- formed in several ways of ritual practices – there were
no (inhumacijom) i spaljivanjem (incineracijom).85 Na skeletal (inhumation) and cremation burials (incinera-
mjestu te nekropole, vjerojatno bliže samome bede- tion).85 On the area of this necropolis, probably closer
mu i zapadnom ulazu u grad najvjerojatnije se nalazi- to the walls and the western entrance to the city, was
lo i mjesto obrednog spališta (sl. 15; 19). Građa priku- most likely located a ceremonial burning place (Fig.
pljena njihovim istraživanjem omogućuje nam obilan 15; 19). The material collected presents us abundant ar-
arheološki potencijal za razumijevanje i interpretaci- chaeological potential for the understanding and inter-
ju te, jedne od najznačajnijih epizoda osorske kultur- pretation of this, one of the most important, episodes
ne povijesti. of Osor cultural history.

82 Mladin 1960; Glogović 1989, 6, sl. 3, T. 3. 82 Mladin 1960; Glogović 1989, 6, sl. 3, T. 3.
83 Faber 1982, 68-69, sl. 8; usp. Blečić et al. 2006, 19-23, 56-57. 83 Faber 1982, 68-69, sl. 8; cf. Blečić et al. 2006, 19-23, 56-57.
84 Benndorf 1880; Klodič 1885; Marchesetti 1924; usp. Faber o iskopavanjima 84 Benndorf 1880; Klodič 1885; Marchesetti 1924; cf. Faber on excavations of I.

Bolmarčića (Faber 1980; Faber 1982); Glogović 1989; Blečić Kavur 2010. Bolmarčić (Faber 1980; Faber 1982); Glogović 1989; Blečić Kavur 2010.
85 Benndorf 1880. 85 Benndorf 1880.
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