Page 51 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 51
City walls

Zidni plašt osorskih bedema pokazuje stano- The stone masonry of Osor city walls demon- 51
vit raspon u obradi kamenih blokova i nači- strate a certain range in the processing of
na zidanja, tj. fazi i tehnika gradnje (sl. 17-18).71 blocks of stone and ways of arranging them –
Zasad se, s određenom dozom sigurnosti, ali samo na in the phases and building techniques (Fig. 17-18).71 For
dijelovima koje su zahvatila sondažna arheološka istra- the time being, with sufficient certainty, but only on
živanja, mogu razlučiti dvije graditeljske faze iz raz- the sections that were partly excavated, we can distin-
doblja prapovijesti. Kao i postojeći, tako su i oni prvi guish between two construction phases from the pre-
bedemi morali slijediti prirodnu konfiguraciju zemlji- historic period. As well as the existing, so the initial
šta pridobivajući tlocrtnu kompoziciju izrazito kruž- walls had to follow the natural configuration of the ter-
nog oblika od kojeg se nije odstupalo ni u svim kasni- rain by enlisting the shape of a distinctly circular form
jim dogradnjama. which persisted in all the subsequent additions.

Bedemi su u najvećoj mjeri bili podizani uz more, s na- The walls had largely been erected by the sea in an ef-
stojanjem povećanja sigurnosti od raznih neprijatelj- fort to increase the security of various enemy attacks.
skih napada. Iako nisu sačuvani u potpunosti, smatra Although not preserved completely, it is believed that
se kako su u starije željezno doba, od 8./7. do u 4. st. in the Early Iron Age, from the 8th/7th to the 4th cent.
pr. Kr., prelazili širinu od 4 m (sl. 18).72 Građeni su po BC their width exceeded 4 meters (Fig. 18).72 They were
istom principu gradnje dvostrukog suhozida kao što built by the same principle of building as all the other

71 Faber 2000, 150, 155, sl. 19-21, 29; usp. Brusić 2000, 13-132, sl. 9-10; Blečić, Sušanj 71 Faber 2000, 150, 155, sl. 19-21, 29; cf. Brusić 2000, 13-132, sl. 9-10; Blečić, Sušanj
2007a, 28-64. 2007a, 28-64.

72 Temelji bedema i praga južnih gradskih vrata nalaze se oko 80 cm ispod dana- 72 The foundations of the walls and doorstep of the southern city gates are loca-
šnje razine mora, što odgovara reduciranju kopnene površine uslijed podizanja ted about 80 cm below the present sea level which corresponds to the redu-
mora za oko 2 m (Faber 1974, 80-81; Faber 1976, 233-235, sl. 5a-b; Faber 1980, 298, ction of land area due to sea level increase of approximately 2 meters (Faber,
302-306; Faber 1982, 72, sl. 3, 10; Faber 2000, sl. 29). 1974, 80-81; Faber, 1976, 233-235, sl. 5a-b; Faber, 1980, 298, 302-306; Faber, 1982,
72, sl. 3, 10; Faber, 2000, sl. 29).
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