Page 69 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 69
ija 2b-c i Este 3B-C stupnja.88 Međutim, tip spome- cia 2b-c and Este 3B-C phases.88 However, the type of povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 69
nute fibule koji je zastupljen na kvarnerskoj regiji ipak fibula which is present in the Kvarner region is still char-
je karakterističan za mlađe X varijante (c, e, g, h) (sl. 21- acteristic for the younger forms of the X variant (c, e, g
22A-B). To su masivne fibule, s okruglim dugmetom and h) (Fig. 21-22A-B). These are massive fibulae with a
iznad navoja, izduljenom nogom sa »V« ornamentom round button above the thread, with an elongated foot
i asimetrično postavljenim zaobljenim dugmetom with »V« shaped ornament and asymmetrically posi-
na njezinom kraju. Na Osoru su zastupljene varijan- tioned rounded knob on its end. On Osor are present
te Xc i Xe (sl. 21-22A-B). U tome smislu velike, klasič- variants Xc and Xe (Fig. 21-22A-B). In this sense large,
ne fibule tipa Certosa obilježavaju one Xe varijante u classic Certosa type fibula characterize those Xe vari-
koje, pored fibule iz Osora,89 ubrajamo i primjerak iz ants which, in addition to the fibula from Osor89 are
Kastva.90 One su bile vrlo dobro prisutne u nošnjama known from Kastav.90 They were very well present in
od notranjsko-kraške, do svetolucijske i dolenjske kul- the costumes of Notranjska, Karst, in the St. Lucia
turne skupine, zatim na viničkom području, te nešto and Dolenjska cultural groups and further in the Vini-
manjim brojem na prostoru Like s jedne, kao i Bolo- ca area. They are les numerous on the territory of Lika
gne te Este s druge strane.91 U modu su inaugurirane on one and Bologna and Este on the other side.91 They
za vrijeme Este 3C kasne faze i traju do srednjolaten- were inaugurated into the fashion during the Este 3C
skog doba. Činjenica se pogotovo odnosi na one pro- late faze and lasted until the Middle La Tène period.
store gdje su isključivo bili prisutni utjecaji iz latenske This is particularly true for those areas where only in-
kulture, a ne konkretno asimiliranje s Keltima.92 Zbog fluences from La Tène culture were present and which
prostornog su rasporeda i istovremenosti korištenja were not assimilated by the Celts.92 Due to their spa-
smatrane jednim od vodećih oblika gornjojadranske tial distribution and simultaneous use they were con-
koiné kraja starijeg i početnog mlađeg željeznog doba sidered as one of the leading forms a north Adriatic
(sl. 23).93 koiné at the end of the Early and initial Late Iron Age
(Fig. 23).93

88 Teržan 1976, 364-365, 368, 382; Guštin 1975, 478-479; Teržan, Trampuž 1975, 88 Teržan 1976, 364-365, 368, 382; Guštin 1975, 478-479; Teržan, Trampuž 1975,
430-434; Gabrovec 1987, 67-68; Pettarin 2006, 212; Gleirscher et al. 2002, 47, 430-434; Gabrovec 1987, 67-68; Pettarin 2006, 212; Gleirscher et al. 2002, 47,
129-130. 129-130.

89 Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 45, 619. 89 Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 45, 619.
90 Blečić 2002, T. 3, 1.3.7. Fibula ima zvjezdasto, tj. zrakasto narebreno dugme, ko- 90 Blečić 2002, T. 3, 1.3.7. The fibula has the star, i.e. radially ribbed button which

jemu identičan primjerak poznajemo iz Kompolja, grob 157, definiran kao tip identical copy is know from Kompolje, grave 157, defined as a type 4a accor-
4a prema T. Težak-Gregl (1981, 39, T. 2, 7). ding to T. Težak-Gregl (1981, 39, T. 2, 7).
91 Teržan 1975, 679-680, T. 1; Teržan 1976, 334, 368, 381-382, sl. 31; 52; Težak-Gregl 91 Teržan 1975, 679-680, T. 1; Teržan 1976, 334, 368, 381-382, sl. 31; 52; Težak-Gregl
1981, 30; Blečić 2004, 84-85, sl. 12; usp. Blečić Kavur 2010, 284-286, sl. 231. 1981, 30; Blečić 2004, 84-85, sl. 12; cf. Blečić Kavur 2010, 284-286, sl. 231.
92 Teržan 1976, 364, 368, 381-382; Guštin 1975, 479; Drechsler-Bižić 1974, 33-34; 92 Teržan 1976, 364, 368, 381-382; Guštin 1975, 479; Drechsler-Bižić 1974, 33-34;
Drechsler-Bižić 1987, 409-410, T. 45, 12-13; Marić 1968, 13-15. Drechsler-Bižić 1987, 409-410, T. 45, 12-13; Marić 1968, 13-15.
93 Peroni 1973, 71; Pettarin 2006, 212, f.n. 96. 93 Peroni 1973, 71; Pettarin 2006, 212, fn. 96.
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