Page 64 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 64
iranu i sigurnu povezanost vlastite perspektive. U ta- connection of their own perspective. In such a society
kvom se društvu potiče motivacija gotovo svih člano- motivation of almost all the members was encouraged,
va, no otvara se mogućnost formiranju i nešto manjeg but it opens the possibility of forming a small in num-
ali vodećeg sloja ljudi kao mjesne elite, o čemu je ta- bers, but leading, class of people functioning as the lo-
kođer već bilo riječi. Namjera ovo knjige nije ograni- cal elite, which was also already been discussed. The in-
čena rasprava o elitizmu Osora i eklektičnosti njegove tention of this book is not a limited discussion of Osor
elitism and eclecticism of its elite, but the presentation
povezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 64 elite, već o arheološkom zapisu kojeg najčešće odraža- of the archaeological record which usually features the
vaju materijalni ostatci upravo tih i takvih društvenih material remains of such social structure. Those finds
struktura. Oni koji tome rječito i slikovito svjedoče iz- that eloquently testify were put forward to be present-
dvojeni su kako bi bili predstavljeni i u ovome pregledu ed in this overview and restored to »life«. Usually inter-
ponovno »oživljeni«. Uobičajeno interpretirani kao preted as status symbols, they were arranged in sched-
statusni simboli, zatupljeni su u rasporedu od specifič- ule from specific attire and jewellery, rare or valuable
ne nošnje i nakita, preko rijetke ali vrijedne vojne opre- military equipment and all the way to luxurious ser-
me, pa sve do luksuznih servisa za obrede i svetkovine. vices for ceremonies and feasts. In essence, these are
U biti, riječ je o predmetima čija je moć kao simbola i items whose power to act as symbols and valuables was
vrijednosti u komunikacijskoj mreži onodobnog »svi- accepted in communications network of the »world«
jeta« bila prihvaćena i prepoznatljiva u izražavanju au- at that time and recognizable in the expression of au-
toriteta mjesne i/ili pridošle elite na prostoru čitavog thority of the local and/or foreign elite on the entire
Kvarnera, ali ponajviše one na Osoru. area of Kvarner, but mostly the one on Osor.
U prostornim i međukulturnim odnosima, od alp- In spatial and intercultural relations, from the Alpine
skog preko italskog pa sve do balkanskog i egejskog across the Italic and all over to the Balkan and Aege-
prostora, Osor je imao ugledan položaj. Iz njegovih an area, Osor had a respectable position. From previ-
dosadašnjih istraživanja poznato je mnogo predmeta ous studies is known a multitude of finds which direct-
koji izravno ukazuju na osorski efekt sinergije u kon- ly indicate the Osor effect of synergy in long distance
taktima širokih razmjera, čak i iz perspektive moder- contacts, even from the perspective of modern under-
nog shvaćanja prostornih udaljenosti. standing of spatial distance.
kvom se društvu potiče motivacija gotovo svih člano- motivation of almost all the members was encouraged,
va, no otvara se mogućnost formiranju i nešto manjeg but it opens the possibility of forming a small in num-
ali vodećeg sloja ljudi kao mjesne elite, o čemu je ta- bers, but leading, class of people functioning as the lo-
kođer već bilo riječi. Namjera ovo knjige nije ograni- cal elite, which was also already been discussed. The in-
čena rasprava o elitizmu Osora i eklektičnosti njegove tention of this book is not a limited discussion of Osor
elitism and eclecticism of its elite, but the presentation
povezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 64 elite, već o arheološkom zapisu kojeg najčešće odraža- of the archaeological record which usually features the
vaju materijalni ostatci upravo tih i takvih društvenih material remains of such social structure. Those finds
struktura. Oni koji tome rječito i slikovito svjedoče iz- that eloquently testify were put forward to be present-
dvojeni su kako bi bili predstavljeni i u ovome pregledu ed in this overview and restored to »life«. Usually inter-
ponovno »oživljeni«. Uobičajeno interpretirani kao preted as status symbols, they were arranged in sched-
statusni simboli, zatupljeni su u rasporedu od specifič- ule from specific attire and jewellery, rare or valuable
ne nošnje i nakita, preko rijetke ali vrijedne vojne opre- military equipment and all the way to luxurious ser-
me, pa sve do luksuznih servisa za obrede i svetkovine. vices for ceremonies and feasts. In essence, these are
U biti, riječ je o predmetima čija je moć kao simbola i items whose power to act as symbols and valuables was
vrijednosti u komunikacijskoj mreži onodobnog »svi- accepted in communications network of the »world«
jeta« bila prihvaćena i prepoznatljiva u izražavanju au- at that time and recognizable in the expression of au-
toriteta mjesne i/ili pridošle elite na prostoru čitavog thority of the local and/or foreign elite on the entire
Kvarnera, ali ponajviše one na Osoru. area of Kvarner, but mostly the one on Osor.
U prostornim i međukulturnim odnosima, od alp- In spatial and intercultural relations, from the Alpine
skog preko italskog pa sve do balkanskog i egejskog across the Italic and all over to the Balkan and Aege-
prostora, Osor je imao ugledan položaj. Iz njegovih an area, Osor had a respectable position. From previ-
dosadašnjih istraživanja poznato je mnogo predmeta ous studies is known a multitude of finds which direct-
koji izravno ukazuju na osorski efekt sinergije u kon- ly indicate the Osor effect of synergy in long distance
taktima širokih razmjera, čak i iz perspektive moder- contacts, even from the perspective of modern under-
nog shvaćanja prostornih udaljenosti. standing of spatial distance.