Page 75 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 75
Brončana fibula tipa Baška s tremoliranim ukrasom luka. Bronze Baška type fibula with tremolo decoration on the bow.

Fibula tipa Baška nesumnjivo se kao regijska izvede- Fibula of Baška type undoubtedly developed as a re- povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 75
nica razvijala od nekih starijih ili srodnih tipova fibula gional derivate from some older or similar types of fib-
upravo na prostoru matične Liburnije. Ondje se sigur- ulae on the territory of central Liburnia. There they
no proizvodila i sve do konačnih, baroknih oblika za were certainly produced all the way to the late, baroque
tzv. srebrnog horizonta od 3. st. pr. Kr. Prema sjeverni- forms from the so-called »silver horizon« of the 3rd
jim područjima njezina se zastupljenost smanjuje i tu, cent. BC. Their numbers decrease towards the north-
unatoč novim istraživanjima i objavama, nije došlo do ern areas and despite new research there were no signif-
znatnijih promjena. Na Kvarneru su fibule tipa Baška icant changes. In Kvarner the Baška type fibula are rep-
zastupljene samo na nekoliko otočnih i jednom prio- resented only on several island and one coastal site, but
balnom nalazištu, ali ne u povećem broju. Uglavnom not in larger numbers. Known are only single or some-
je riječ o jednom ili par primjeraka, izuzev Kastva gdje times two fibulae – except Kastav where they were
ih je nađeno nešto više, iako je i ondje njihovo podrije- more numerous, although there their origin could be
tlo zapravo dvojbeno.102 actually doubtful.102
Fibulae of Baška type could be according to techno-
Fibulu tipa Baška prema tehnološkim i dekorativnim logical and decorative characteristics divided in to sev-
osobitostima razlikujemo u nekoliko varijanti. Na eral variants. On the island group of Cres-Lošinj they
otočnoj skupini Cres-Lošinj zastupljene su tri varian- are represented in three variants – all of them appear
te i to isključivo na Osoru (sl. 26-27). Najslabije su za- exclusively on Osor (Fig. 26-27). The least represent-
stupljene starije varijante sa pet primjerka. Njih obi- ed, with five examples, is the older variant. These are
lježava manja, zdepasta i nezgrapnija fibula, s malim small, stocky and unwieldy fibulae with a small leaf on
listom na nožici i s ponekad minimalnim linearnim the foot and sometimes minimal linear decoration. Ex-

102 Naime, iz Kastva zasigurno potječu samo one tri fibule mlađih varijanti koje se 102 Specifically from Kastav certainly originate only 3 fibulae of younger variant
čuvaju u ŽZD na Vrbniku (Blečić Kavur 2010, k. 49-51), od kojih dva cijela pri- stored in the Parish collection Desetinec in Vrbnik (ŽZD) (Blečić Kavur,
mjerka spominje i opisuje već C. Marchesetti (1903, 107). Sve ostale fibule tipa 2010, k. 49-51) of which two examples are mentioned and described already by
Baška koje se čuvaju u AMZ-u imaju nesigurne podatke; usp. Blečić 2004. C. Marchesetti (1903, 107). All other fibulae of Baška type kept in Archaeolo-
gical Museum in Zagreb have insecure data; cf. Blečić 2004.
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