Page 96 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 96
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 96 ma (Bologna, Este, Vinica, Magdalenska gora) (sl. 52), only from Nesactium.164 In to the same group should
na fibulama (Gazzo-Veronese) (sl. 25C) ili ogrlicama, be included also the pendant from the Japodic hinter-
s drugim privjescima (Škocjan-ostava, Este-Prosdoci- land discovered in the necropolis in Kompolje.165
mi, grob 258) i čak sa skeptrima (Montebello Vicenti-
no). U tom se iznimno različitom i izuzetno bogatom From previous research we know that the variants of
repertoaru nalaza široko datiraju od 6. do 4. st. pr. Kr. these pendants could be discovered individually or in
(do početka 3. st., npr. u Giubiascu), posebno uslijed combination with other objects. Therefore they are
toga što je njihov čest suputnik bila fibula tipa Certo- known as decorations on a kline (Hochdorf), on sit-
sa X varijante.166 Zanimljivo je svakako podvući njiho- ulae (Este) and on cysts (Bologna, Este, Vinica, Mag-
vu vrijednost i značaj u ekskluzivnim grobnicama po- dalenska gora) (Fig. 52), on fibulae (Gazzo-Veronese)
put Hochdorfa167 ili Nezakcija, odnosno kao zaklade (Fig. 25C) or necklaces together with other pendants
u svetištima poput Este,168 u ostavama i naseljima. Na- (Škocjan-hoard, Este-Prosdocimi, grave 258) and even
ravno, najviše ih poznajemo iz grobova ili nekropola, u on scepters (Montebello Vicentino). In this extraordi-
čiji kontekst spada i taj jedini privjesak iz Osora. Ondje nary wealthy repertory of finds they are broadly dat-
je najvjerojatnije dospio u istom vremenskom rasponu ed from the 6th to the 4th cent. BC (until the begin-
kraja starijeg i početka mlađeg željeznog doba. Priv- ning of the 3rd cent., e.g. in Giubiasco) especially due
jeske u obliku ribljeg repa najvećim brojem poznaje- to the fact that their frequent companion was a fibu-
mo iz okolnosti izravno povezanih s cistama.169 Upra- la of the Certosa X variant.166 It is interesting to under-
vo su ciste iz grobova Bologne i Magdalenske gore (sl. line their value in the exclusive graves like Hochdorf167
52B) imale ovješen privjesak u obliku ribljeg repa koji or Nesactium, or as treasures in shrines like Este,168 in
je, u istoj funkciji, povezan i s nezakcijskim cistama iz hoards and in settlements. Of course the majority of
grobnice 1981.170 Nije stoga isključeno da je slična okol- them are known from graves and cemeteries – con-
nost bila iskušana i na Osoru.171 texts to which should be added also the single exam-
ple from Osor. It arrived there most likely in the pe-
Prostorna raširenost privjesaka oblika ribljeg repa na riod of the end of the Early and the beginning of the
području zapadnih Alpa i južno od njih nadopunje- Late Iron Age. Pendants in the form of a fish tail are
na je time i zaokružena nalazima iz jugoistočnog alp- most numerously known from circumstances direct-

166 Warneke 1999, 96-97; Bondini 2005, 290, Fig. 29, 5Eb. 164 Mihovilić 1996, T. II, 29.
167 Biel 1985, 146-48, Abb. 166-167; De Marinis 2000, 388. 165 Hiller 1991, 192, Abb. 49K. Grave mentioned by G. Hiller is not reliable, nor
168 Salerno 2002, 160-161, k. 64.
169 Stjernquist 1967, 42-45, T. 1, 3; 3, 4; 8, 2; 9, 3; 10, 4. confirmed by the state of finds in Japodic collection in the Archaeological
170 Mihovilić 1996, 50, T. II, 29. Museum in Zagreb, where pendants of that type are present, but originate
171 Glogović 1982, T. 3, 2; Glogović 1989, 35, T. 39, 2; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 34. from non-reliable contexts.
166 Warneke 1999, 96-97; Bondini 2005, 290, Fig. 29, 5Eb.
167 Biel 1985, 146-48, Abb. 166-167; De Marinis 2000, 388.
168 Salerno 2002, 160-161, k. 64.
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