Page 97 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 97
g prostora, ali i iz istočnog kruga sjevernog Jadra- ly related to cysts.169 Such vessels from graves in Bo- povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 97
na (sl. 36). logna and Magdalenska gora (Fig. 52B) had suspend-
ed a pendant in the shape of a fish tail which in the
Antropo-ornitomorfni privjesak same function could be linked to cysts in the tomb
1981 in Nesactium.170 Therefore it can’t be ruled out
Najvredniji i najzanimljiviji oblik privjeska koji pot- that similar circumstances were attested on Osor.171
ječe iz starih istraživanja osorske Kavanele onaj je an- The spatial distribution of these pendants on the ter-
tropo-ornitomorfnog tipa (sl. 35C).172 Njega karakte- ritory of western Alps and south of them was comple-
rizira plosnato trokutasto tijelo, potpuno ravne donje mented thus completed with finds from the south-east-
istake, nepravilne perforacije te u pravilu uzdignutog ern Alpine area, but also from the eastern circle of the
kljuna ptice s izrazito naglašenim ili perforiranim northern Adriatic (Fig. 36).
očima, kratkog uvijenog vrata koja podsjeća na bar-
sku pticu ili patku. Opisana varijanta privjesaka najvi- Anthropo-ornithomorphic pendant
še se rasprostire na estenskom području, zbog čega se
i naziva varijantom Este.173 Karakteristična je, naime, za The most interesting form of pendant originating
gornjojadranski prostor sjeverne Italije, posebno Ve- from old research of Kavanela was a pendant of anthro-
neta, Verone i Trentina-Alto Adige odakle se, u dina- po-ornithomorphic type (Fig. 35C).172 It is character-
mičnom optjecanju te koiné, vjerojatno prenosila i na ized by a flat triangular body, straight lower protuber-
prostor istočne obale Jadrana i njegova neposredno ances, irregular perforations and bird beaks which were
povezanog zaleđa (sl. 37-38). generally raised, with enhanced or perforated eyes and
a short bent neck associating of a swamp bird or a duck.
S ukupno tri primjerka poznajemo ih i iz Osora.174 The described form of pendants is most numerous in
Dva su već bila određena lokalnoj varijanti nastaloj the Este area, which is why it was denominated as the
pod utjecajem italskih tipova.175 Međutim, iako je ri- Este variant.173 It is characteristic, namely, for the area
ječ o izgubljenim nalazima i konzumaciji starih crte- of northern Italy, especially Veneto, Verona and Tren-
ža, stilskim se obilježjima i temeljnim karakteristika- tino-Alto Adige from which, in a dynamic circulation
ma mogu pribrojiti varijanti Este. Činjenicu svakako of this koiné, they were probably passed on to the east-
dodatno osnažuje i još jedan, novonađeni ulomak pri- ern coast of the Adriatic and its immediate linked hin-
vjeska istih obilježja (sl. 35C; 37G). Gotovo identični terland (Fig. 37-38).

172 Blečić Kavur 2014a, 48-49. 169 Stjernquist 1967, 42-45, T. 1, 3; 3, 4; 8, 2; 9, 3; 10, 4.
173 Blečić Kavur 2010, 112-116. 170 Mihovilić 1996, 50, T. II, 29.
174 Marchesetti 1924, 147, Fig. 26-27; Kukoč 2009, sl. 240, 1; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 48. 171 Glogović 1982, T. 3, 2; Glogović 1989, 35, T. 39, 2; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 34.
175 Kossack 1954, 107, T. 12, 7, 6; De Marinis 2004, Fig. 5. 172 Blečić Kavur 2014a, 48-49.
173 Blečić Kavur 2010, 112-116.
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