Page 187 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 187
ting to know wine

VTC 16: The Radgona-Kapela wine route

The road leads through the vineyards VTC 16 connects with walking routes, including Attila’s
on the gentle slopes between Gornja historical route. Kapelski vrh, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
Radgona and Kapela. This is a concen-
trated viticultural area with specific
characteristics. The wines produced
here are aromatic, with a high level of
acidity: the Traminec is the best in the
country and another well-known variety
is Ranina. From Gornja Radgona, the
route continues winding its way among
vineyards from Hercegovščak, Police,
Črešnjevci, Zbigovci, Orehovski vrh,
Janževski vrh and Radmirski vrh all
the way to Kapelski vrh above Radenci.

In Gornja Radgona and in Kapela there are
interesting wine cellars, where you can try the
local wines. Gornja Radgona boasts the oldest
cellar in Slovenia for the production of sparkling
wines using the classical Champagne method.
The winemaker Klenovšek produced the first
sparkling wine in Slovenia as early as 1852.

The folklore-like entrance to Kapelske gorice,
2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

Signposts on VTC 16, 2007.
Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

The renovated cultural heritage site serves as a catering and tourist establishment,
Kapelski hram, 2006, 2005. Photos: Aleš Gačnik, Zlatko Fišer.

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