Page 192 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 192
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

VTC 20: The Lendava wine route

At the edge of the plain around the town of Lendava there stretches a range of low hills
with numerous, well-tended vineyards. The wines from here have only recently begun to
appear on the Slovene market. The wine cellar in Lendava Castle has become more active
and has started bottling the local wines. Much more work is needed for these wines to truly
establish themselves, but there is no doubt that these vineyards produce excellent dry wines.

Signposts on VTC 20,
2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

Lendava Castle, surrounded by vineyards and excellent examples of folk building construction
in Új Tomas (Novi Tomaž) near Lendava, 2006. Photos: Aleš Gačnik.

The Lendava wine route A unique viticultural landscape. Lendavske gorice, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
runs from Pince, Dolina and
Čertoba to the very centre of
Lendavske gorice and then to
Dolgoveške gorice. Along the
route among the vineyards
there are well-managed tour-
ist farms offering local wines,
as well as numerous vineyard
cottages, the owners of which
live nearby, particularly in
Lendava. There is also a wine
cellar at Lendava Castle.
In the church of the Holy
Trinity on one of the hills
in Lendavske gorice there
is the mummified body of
Captain Hadik, the defender
of Lendava Castle against the
Turks. There is also the wine
cellar that used to belong to
the writer Miško Kranjec and

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