Page 191 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 191
Getting to know wine

VTC 19: The Upper Slovenske gorice wine route

This route connects the hilly viticultural area north of
Kozjak and Lenart. It leads from Zgornja Kungota through
Janževski vrh to Svečina and Plače, and then back through
Sladki vrh, Jurovski dol and Jarenina. The hills consist of
elongated ridges separated by valleys; the sunny slopes are
planted with vineyards, while the north-facing sides are
covered with woodlands. This is an area of wines with the
most intense varietal aroma.

At the agricultural fair in Svečina – an increasingly important and Wine queens also play their part, 2006.
well thought-out tourist event – most locals take part, attracting Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
masses of visitors and wine lovers from home and abroad, 2006.
Photos: Aleš Gačnik.

Scenes from the 25th agricultural fair in Svečina, 2006. Photos: Aleš Gačnik.

Winemaking here was much improved with the help of the viticultural school at Svečina
Castle. The most attractive part of this route is the landscape itself, but there are also
interesting details, such as the image of Bachhus on the church in Zgornja Kungota, the
viticultural museum on Kopica Hill, the fossils from the Pannonian sea at Plački vrh and
Pezdiček’s vineyard cottage with an old wooded press in Vukovski dol. In Jakobski dol there
is Vogrin’s museum with a windmill, an oenological collection and a technical museum.
The last weekend in September, there is a festival in Svečina, where wine can be tasted.

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