Page 188 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 188
Culture of Wine in Slovenia

VTC 17: The Below Pohorje wine route

This is the best-analysed wine route in Slovenia and offers detailed information about all
the tourist farms along the way. It combines viticultural localities from Pekre and Limbuš
to Slovenske Konjice.

In addition to tourist farms, there are many other sites The idyllic viticultural landscape above
of historical and ethnological interest: in the town of Slovenske Konjice, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
Slovenska Bistrica there is a castle in the courtyard of
which there is an annual exhibition entitled Images

of Bistrica farms, with local culinary specialities

and wines. In Slovenske Konjice there is an old castle,
as well as Trebnik Manor, the church of St. George, a
picture gallery and the Žiče Carthusian monastery.
In Špitalič there is an old inn from the 16th century,
known as gastuš. In Loče there is an ethnological
museum and in Skalce an old vinedresser’s cottage
and the Zrno museum. Two events take place in the
area: the celebration of St. George’s Day and the week
of celebrations dedicated to St. Martin, including the
blessing of must and the tasting of young wines.

In Meranovo, where Archduke Johann had his wine cellar, there is a viticultural and
winemaking learning centre belonging to the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of
Maribor, where there are guided tastings of the wines produced in the Maribor district. In
Pekre, Laški Rizling of extremely high quality is produced. In Ruše, there is a sacrificial
altar dedicated to Mitra. Near Slovenska Bistrica on the southern side of the Pohorje Hills
opens up a wide area of vineyards with renowned localities for Ritoznoj. The wine road
winds among the hills around Slovenske Konjice: from Skalce through Tepanjsko, Žička
gora and Zbegovska gora as far as Dravinjske gorice. On the way, we come across very well-
managed winegrowing tourist farms. You can also sample wine in the large diocesan wine
cellar in Slovenska Bistrica and the Zlati grič wine shop in Slovenske Konjice. I think that
winegrowers, together with the municipalities in this area, have ensured that this VTC is
the best one in Podravje.

Just above the golf course in Slovenske Konjice are the Škalski vineyards, at the top Signposts on VTC 17, 2006.
of which there is the very popular catering establishment the Zlati Grič wine shop, Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
and a thoroughly refurbished viticultural manor with apartments, which used to
belong to the Konjice lords, 2006. Photos: Aleš Gačnik.

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