Page 190 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 190
Culture of Wine in Slovenia

A view from Gorca of St.
Peter’s church in Malečnik
near Maribor and a huge
klopotec bird scarer, 2006.
Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

Signposts on VTC 18, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

It produces Žametovka or Kavščina, as The vine in Lent in Maribor, which is over 400 years old, is
it is also known. Maribor is thus truly a becoming a symbol and trade mark of Maribor, Slovene and
town of the vine and wine. In the town European viticulture, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
centre there is the extensive wine cellar
belonging to the company Vinag, which 186
was established on the basis of the former
cooperative wine cellar. The Maribor town
manor, housing a regional museum and
galleries, dates from 1483 and the town
received its town rights as early as in
1254. There is also a water tower with a
wine cellar. In Šempeterska gorca, in the
middle of vineyards, there is a statue to
St. John of Nepomuk.

To the north, the wine route links viticul-
tural localities along the hills of Kalvarija,
Piramida and Mestni trg and to the west
it leads through the wider Kozjak area.
East of the road from Maribor to Šentilj
there are excellent viticultural localities.
Along the route, there are numerous
well-managed tourist farms, where you
can sample wines such as Renski rizling,
which is of excellent quality in this area.
There are also vinedressers’ cottages,
old wine presses, wine shops and good
restaurants serving local specialities.
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