Page 23 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 23
ience of migration. The basic motive for the decision to migrate mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, 2016 21
was for both literary artist love and the desire to be able in a new
geographical area to live with a partner of Slovenian descent. In
the new environment, which was mainly for Erica Johnson Debel­
jak socialy and culturaly radically different from her primary social­
ization, they face many obstacles. The inclusion in a new geographic
space offers them also positive connotations, an insight and recon­
sideration of many other concepts: nationality, ethnicity, culture,
language, the concept of borders and interpersonal relationships.
Stanislava Chrobáková Repar with irony and sarcasm in her oeuvre
exposes a severe and relentless struggle with the bureaucracy and
the impossibility of integration into the elite sphere of Slovenian cul­
tural space, finally she comes to life in her many operational roles in
the Slovenian literary polysystem and successfully incorporates in­
to the Slovenian cultural space. Erica Johnson Debeljak on the oth­
er hand notes that the new environment − despite initial difficulties
– inspires her, in this environment is emerging her desire for writing
literature. Away from the capitalist way of life and thinking, and in a
country that in the early nineties has paved its way to independence
and force, she starts to live a life more authentically.
Literary works of the two artists offer an insight into the operation
of Slovenian company in relation to immigrants, a very welcome
view of the Other that with a distanced position reflects the Slove­
nian mentality and ways of operation.
A literary interpretation and comparative analysis of the works will
be supported by the theoretical assumptions of feminist theory,
cultural studies and migration studies.
Dr. Megi Rožič je mlada raziskovalka na Raziskovalnem centru za
humanistiko in asistentka za področje književnosti na Fakulteti za
humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici. Na Fakulteti za humanistiko
je zaključila dodiplomski študij Slovenistike in magistrski študij Lit­
erarnih ved. Njena raziskovalna področja so feministična literar­
na veda in študije spolov. V raziskavi, ki jo je predstavila v svojem
doktoratu − tega je zagovarjala v oktobru 2016 − se dotika ženske
izkušnje migracije, posega tudi na področje migrantske literature,
teorij migracij in kulturnih študij.
Megi Rožič is a junior researcher at the Research Center for Hu­
manities and assistant lecturer for the field of literature at the Fac­
ulty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica. At the Facul­
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