Page 25 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 25
skim delom. Šele ko razumemo institucionalno delovanje izsel­ mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, 2016 23
jenske skupnosti in jo poznamo v vseh plasteh ter prostorih, lahko
določimo in obravnavamo področja, kjer se realizira narodni poziv,
povezan z matično državo, ter predlagamo rešitve. V našem pri­
meru so to: povezanost institucij (socio-historični razvoj), vzgoja
in izobraževanje, mediji in založniški trg, literarni sistem (zunaj- in
znotrajbesedilno), raba jezika (govorjenega/zapisanega) in pod dru­
go religijsko izročilo, gospodarstvo, glasba in kulinarika.

Original Research Model to Examine Diaspora
Communities on the Slovene Canadian Case
We are dealing with synchronously examination of diaspora com­
munities where the literary system is the central subject of study.
We present an established research model, which does not exam­
ine diaspora communities as a bridge between country of origin
and country of acceptance, but as third autonomous space, equiva­
lent to each space. Each space consist of crown layers: empirical re­
ality, literary system and myth. In the current situation, with lack of
data, they complement each other.
The proposed model is necessary, if we want to examine diaspo­
ra community independently from the national literary system of
country of origin or country of acceptance because it defines third
space with their own institutional and literary system. The model
enables extra and intra-textual analysis of literature, treatment of
written and spoken language use, and examination of formal and in­
formal institutional situations of diaspora community. This kind of
approach is especially effective in analysis of the diaspora commu­
nity in contemporary conditions, where we find only the remains
of a once powerful system that have managed to maintain over the
decades until today.
Empirically, we have had verified the model in the case of the Slo­
vene Canadian diaspora community in the province of Ontario,
which has proved to be successful to confine wide research space,
allows systematical examination and the use of a large set of data as
a whole. At the same time, it allows us to archive authentic results
within internal status of field work over two years. Only when we
understand the existence of the diaspora community, in all its layers
and spaces, we can define and work on areas where the national
interpellation of country of origin is realized and to suggest the so­
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