Page 51 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 51
ih promena. Korpus za analizu čine informativni tekstovi iz srp­ mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, 2016 49
skih nedeljnih novina.

The Derivation of the Verbs with Generative Bases
of Foreign Origin in the Serbian Language in the Light
of Un/clear Differentiation between the Serbian
and Croatian Standard
The paper deals with verbs whose generative bases are mostly of
foreign origin and their derivatives are added suffixes -ova, -isa or
-ira from Serbian language. The aim is to check the compliance of
the established situation with Serbian standards, or whether the
derivation is performed in accordance with established norms Ser­
bian standard language, is there any influence of Croatian stand­
ards (remains of the former Serbo-Croatian) and whether there
is a clear limit. In accordance with the purpose, we will first intro­
duce the norms prescribed by the contemporary Serbian and Cro­
atian language, and then compare them with the state established
on the basis of the analysis results. Results will be compared with
earlier conclusions on this theme – from the period of the exist­
ence of Serbo-Croatian language and immediately after its division
into Serbian and Croatian standard, in order to determine whether
there has been any changes. The corpus for analysis consists of in­
formative texts from Serbian weekly magazine.
Mirela Ivanić, rođena sam u Subotici, gde sam završila osnovnu ško­
lu i gimnaziju. Osnovne studije završila sam na Filozofskom fakulte­
tu u Novom Sadu, studijska grupa Srpska filologija: Srpski jezik i
književnost u predviđenom roku (prosek: 9,75) i upisala master
studije na istoj studijskoj grupi, koje sam završila takođe u pred­
viđenom roku (prosek: 10,00), a potom upisala doktorske studije
Jezik i književnost, modul: Jezik. Moja interesovanja na doktorskim
studijama usmerena su u prvom redu na derivatološko-leksikološ­
ka istraživanja, kao i na metodiku nastave srpskog jezika. Master
akademske studije završila sam odbranom masterskog rada “Se­
mantičko-derivaciono gnezdo lekseme zemlja” i taj rad objavljen je
u 46. broju časopisa Prilozi proučavanju jezika (izdaje Odsek za srp­
ski jezik i lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu).
Jelena Perišić, rođena sam 1991. godine u Užicu. Diplomirala sam na
Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu, na Odseku za srpski jezik i
lingvistiku (septembar 2014, prosek: 9,63), gde sam potom završila
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