Page 52 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 52
žbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah 50 i master studije (jun 2015, prosek: 10,00; master rad: Veština čitan­
ja u nastavi srpskog jezika kao stranog). U oktobru 2015. godine na
istom fakultetu sam upisala doktorske studije – Jezik i književnost,
modul: Jezik. Trenutno sam stipendista Ministarstva prosvete, nauke
i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Polja mog interesovanja su
savremeni srpski jezik i nastava srpskog jezika kao stranog. U to­
ku akademske 2015/16. obavljala sam volontersku praksu u Centru
za srpski jezik kao strani na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu.
Moj rad Upotreba književnog teksta u nastavi srpskog kao stranog
jezika biće objavljen u 7. broju časopisa Metodički vidici (Filozofski
fakultet Novi Sad).
Mirela Ivanić was born in Subotica, where I finished Elementary and
Grammar school. I graduated at Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad,
Serbian Philology Study Group: Serbian language and literature. I
graduated in due time (average: 9.75) and enrolled in master stud­
ies in the same study group, which I also finished within the dead­
line (average: 10.00), and then enrolled in doctoral studies Language
and Literature, the module: Language. My interest in doctoral stud­
ies are focused primarily on derivational-lexicological research, as
well as the methodology of teaching Serbian language. Master ac­
ademic studies I ended up defending master work “Semantic-deri­
vational nest of the lexeme earth” and this paper was published in
the 46th issue of the journal Contributions to the study of languages
(Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Serbian Philology Study Group).
Jelena Perišić was born in 1991 in Užice. I graduated at the Faculty of
Philosophy in Novi Sad, the Department of Serbian Language and
Linguistics (September 2014, average: 9.63), where I also finished
master studies (June 2015, average: 10.00; master work: Reading
Skill in Teaching Serbian as a Foreign Language). In October 2015 I
enrolled in doctoral studies – Language and Literature, the mod­
ule: Language at the same university. Currently I am a scholar of the
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of
Republic of Serbia. I’m interested in modern Serbian language and
teaching Serbian as a foreign language. During the 2015/16 I worked
as a volunteer at the Centre for Serbian as a Foreign Language at
the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. My paper Using of a literary
text in teaching Serbian as a foreign language will be published in the
7th issue of the journal Methodological Perspetives (Faculty of Phi­
losophy Novi Sad).
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