Page 38 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 38
Sandwich Management

From these sources we established answers about relevant customer needs
and expectations.

A significant drawback concerning the mass production of product or
service is the fall in the price we charge. Usually, this is the only custom-
er motive for buying that we are left with. An example of this can be seen
within large scale shopping chains and their own branded products. It’s
not important anymore what you buy, but what you buy for the cheapest
price. If you want to increase the price on this kind of product or service,
you have to add ‘added value’. With reference to the latter, there is a hid-
den exclusivity demonstrated within Figure 1 below. The added value of
the product or service is a newly produced (increased) value of this specif-
ic product or service.

The equation shows the subtraction between the sold value of a prod-
38 uct or service and its purchased value of ingredients, materials and other

inputs. Added value which were analysed in the project team and detailed
described in chapter six (Gričar 2014):
– customer is satisfied within arranged time and you add a gift;
– exceeding customer expectations;
– management of after sales services;
– in cases of reclamation we try to empathize with the customer’s


Figure 1: Business plan Business Model Canvas.
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