Page 61 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 61
Interdisciplinarity of Project
– Technology of Cooking

My garden
As part of the preparation process for our project we decided to produce
our own vegetables for the sandwiches. We grew vegetables which were
then used in the final product. Prior to planting and growing our vege-
tables, we consulted expert knowledge regarding the field of gardening.
The concept of producing our own home-made vegetables was carried
out successfully. The plants have then been grown with all the necessary
cultivation. We have taken care of the plants on a daily basis. During
the growing process we considered the agreement about not adding pes-
ticides or other sprays. The base elements were water (mostly rainwater)
and the household compost that we used prior to the start of planting.
In the summer 2014 has not been favourable for the growth of plants.
Our tomatoes were the most affected as they became contaminated by

Planning a vegetable garden can be just as exciting as growing vege-
tables. A modern kitchen garden plot grows produce, such as: vegetables,
fruits and herbs. Vegetables are traditionally grown in straight rows, on a
large square or rectangular plot. There needs to be ample space between the
rows for the gardener to walk along. The plot is divided into small beds that
are separated by these small paths. Before we start buying or planting seed-
lings we have to make sure that the soil is of suitable condition. In order for
the plants to flourish, they need a well prepared bed to provide them with
the necessary food, water and protection (Marshall Bradley and Courti-
er 2006). Marshall Bradley and Courtier (2006) also state that plants uti-
lize light and air in order to grow into an edible form, but for this they
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