Page 59 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 59
Sandwich Management 59

the banks. We obtained information from the following companies: NLB,
Delavska hranilnica, Hranilnica Lon, A banka, NKBM, Hypo-Alpe Adria
banka, Banka Koper, Raiffeisen banka.

At each bank the authorised representatives were all asked the same
questions. They were asked to briefly describe their banking conditions for
customers looking to gain credit. For instance, as a »d. o. o./s. p.« com-
pany we should request for a minor credit which would enable us to start
our business. We were also interested in what kind of documentation we
would have to submit together with our request for credit: whether we
need a guarantor, the highest/lowest loan we could request, types of re-
payment plans, what is the interest rate and the return period and wheth-
er we have to be an existing customer of the bank. The banks mentioned all
provided us with similar answers, that »all applications for gaining credit
are addressed individually. For financing a company they need full annu-
al financial statements of the AJPES (Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
for Public Legal Records and Related Services), as well as a short business
plan and balance sheet data. In the case of financing a micro-enterprise, it
is not necessary for the client to be an existing customer of the bank. We
could choose between the short (up to one year) and long-term (up to 8
years) financing period. The interest rate is linked to a three month EURI-
BOR with a fixed premium of 4,50 % or more (depending on the credit as-
sessment and the volume of business with the bank). The amount of cred-
it that we would be allowed would vary from the minimum amount and
up to EUR 250.000,00. The banks address each financing offer individual-
ly and adapt it to the wishes of the client and to financial statements of the
business operation of the company.«

It is difficult to obtain certain information as all credit requests for
legal persons are addressed individually, with a business and a financing
plan prepared in advance. We have been given information stating that
the amount of credit for legal persons depends on the return period. How-
ever, each credit is determined individually according to financial condi-
tions of the individual. The banks have also provided information stressing
that it is difficult for them to present us with their conditions for gaining
credit. The banks request that a business plan has already been thoroughly
prepared in advance. As we were not initially aware of this requirement, a
business plan has not been developed within our project.

Forms of Business Enterprise – Sole Trader and Ltd
A limited liability company is a business whose share capital consists of ba-
sic input associates and the value of their underlying investments are differ-
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