Page 56 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 56
Sandwich Management

In our external environment, a solution could be made through an op-
tion for people to pay via the internet. In correlation, we could also expand
our offer with an additional option for breakfast. Since we are new, we can
also build useful brand awareness for our products amongst customers.

We paid special attention to potential hazards from external environ-
ments, ignoring them could lead to a negative impact on our company’s
business. Included in ‘threats’ we stipulated: an annual supplies of staples,
competition with similar offers, saturation of the market and internet illit-
eracy of our target customers.

Table 3: Project SWOT analysis.


Size Inexperience
Location in NM: no town centre
56 Flexibility Lack of knowledge in food industry
Time saving solutions No business model
Supply of staples
Nutritious meals Price
Small number of customers
Several versions of final product Knowledge of HACCP system
No computer operating system for ordering and delivery
Food delivery from 9:00–12:00

Ordering – web and mobile applications

Ingredients have local origin

Product is made within time of request

Small space

Open on Sundays and holidays


Product testing Constantly supplying staples
Delivery system testing Competition with similar offers
Testing of products on bigger markets Saturation of market with similar products
Expending of assortment Competition who also has all day delivery
Special offer for breakfast Change in customer needs and expectations
Setting up our own processes Hackers attack on our web site
Franchise Rise of VAT
Option for paying via web solutions Price of staples outside of the summer period
Marketing through the internet
Graphic outlook of store
Graphic outlook of packaging
Unique uniforms for workers
Building on brand awareness

Source: Own source 2014.

One of our project tasks was to conduct online interviews (Figure 6).
The answers we collected were crucial to our understanding of customer
needs and market expectations. Our aim was to find out whether a sand-
wich is appealing enough for people to eat on their lunch break. The ques-
tionnaire was formulated using both open and closed style questions.
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