Page 57 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 57
Sandwich Management

The initial aim of the questionnaire was to reveal market needs and
customer eating habits during lunch time. Through evaluating our results
we were interested to see: how many meals our participants eat per day,
how many times per week do they eat cold lunch, how important for them
is to have ingredients of local origin (regardless of the product’s final price).
We avoided asking what kind of ingredients they would prefer to see in
most common sandwiches. Instead, we will offer them an option to cus-
tomize the product. Respondents were offered the following ingredients
to choose from: cheese, spread, salami, ham or vegetables. An online ques-
tionnaire was distributed in June 2014 amongst high school pupils from
Novo Mesto (n = 405). The questionnaire was accessible for 10 days.


Figure 6: Questions as part of online survey.
Source: Own source 2014.

The survey results indicate that most high school pupils in Novo Mes-
to eat cold lunches at faculty. The majority, however, would also like to see
additional offers forming locally. The data we obtained helped us make de-
cisions regarding which type of sandwich we should offer to customers. We
concluded that products should comprise of locally grown vegetables. Ad-
ditionally, a web based application was developed to give customers the op-
tion to make their sandwich in a preferred way.
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