Page 91 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 91
Projects’ Interdisciplinarity – Qualitative Analyses 91
and mentors who were participating in the project. CV in table 5 shows
that the biggest deviation from the average is in foreign smells, cross-sec-
tion cut, and stickiness of baguettes, grassiness and the aftertaste of stuff-
ing. Eight questionnairs have been completed as a result of sensory eval-
uations. We are citing an explanation for each evaluation’s parameters.
Overall, the taste of our dishes have been rated at an average of 6.5, mini-
mum 5, maximum 4 and CV is 57 %. Evaluators have graded this parame-
ter similarly – good, up to the smell of dish being perfect – deviations are
small. The overall impression concerning the external smells of our dishes
rate at an average of 1.8, minimum 1, maximum 6 and coefficient of vari-
ation 307 %. Seven tasters have assessed this parameter very similar. One
taster has evaluated the product as a sample with highly expressed foreign
smells. The conclusion is as follows: deviations are big, but anyway we can
follow the mean with a value of 1.8 which says that foreign smells aren’t
present. For the overall impression of our dishes appearance, they were rat-
ed at an average of 6.4, minimum 4, maximum 7 and CV 113 %.
Tasters have assessed this parameter very similar that is why there is
no significant deviations. For the overall impression of dishes colour, they
were rated at an average of 6,6, which puts this parameter in first place
among other parameters observed. The colour was evaluated with a mini-
mum of 6, a maximum of 7 and CV of 27 %. For the evaluation of the sand-
wich, we are assuming that tasters were evaluating opposite characteris-
tics of the sandwich. This is due to its high CV which varies from 21 % up
to 593 %. It would be reasonable to repeat this part of the sensory analysis
and to see if mistakes have been found through the evaluation, or whether
there were big problems with a quality of products. The colour of cross-sec-
tion, softness/compaction/holes were among those parameters that were
evaluated similarly. The average value of evaluated parameters was 6.4/6.8,
minimum 5/6, maximum 7/7 and standard deviation of 0.74/0.46, written
retrograde. From the average values of other parameter we can make a con-
clusion that sandwiches need modifications in order to improve the qual-
ity on parameters, such as: composition of cross-section, stickiness of ba-
guettes, grassiness as well as flavour and an aftertaste of stuffing.
The grade of the overall dish is given as slightly more consistent cal-
culations, even though here the CV is relatively high, especially for salt-
iness. Calculation of coefficient of variation shows us the value of 136 %.
This means that we have to focus our attention when improving the dish
for saltiness, because the taste in mouth is evaluated with CV of 107 %.
We are assuming that both parameters are connected with each other and
need further modifications. The mean value for the parameter of aftertaste
and mentors who were participating in the project. CV in table 5 shows
that the biggest deviation from the average is in foreign smells, cross-sec-
tion cut, and stickiness of baguettes, grassiness and the aftertaste of stuff-
ing. Eight questionnairs have been completed as a result of sensory eval-
uations. We are citing an explanation for each evaluation’s parameters.
Overall, the taste of our dishes have been rated at an average of 6.5, mini-
mum 5, maximum 4 and CV is 57 %. Evaluators have graded this parame-
ter similarly – good, up to the smell of dish being perfect – deviations are
small. The overall impression concerning the external smells of our dishes
rate at an average of 1.8, minimum 1, maximum 6 and coefficient of vari-
ation 307 %. Seven tasters have assessed this parameter very similar. One
taster has evaluated the product as a sample with highly expressed foreign
smells. The conclusion is as follows: deviations are big, but anyway we can
follow the mean with a value of 1.8 which says that foreign smells aren’t
present. For the overall impression of our dishes appearance, they were rat-
ed at an average of 6.4, minimum 4, maximum 7 and CV 113 %.
Tasters have assessed this parameter very similar that is why there is
no significant deviations. For the overall impression of dishes colour, they
were rated at an average of 6,6, which puts this parameter in first place
among other parameters observed. The colour was evaluated with a mini-
mum of 6, a maximum of 7 and CV of 27 %. For the evaluation of the sand-
wich, we are assuming that tasters were evaluating opposite characteris-
tics of the sandwich. This is due to its high CV which varies from 21 % up
to 593 %. It would be reasonable to repeat this part of the sensory analysis
and to see if mistakes have been found through the evaluation, or whether
there were big problems with a quality of products. The colour of cross-sec-
tion, softness/compaction/holes were among those parameters that were
evaluated similarly. The average value of evaluated parameters was 6.4/6.8,
minimum 5/6, maximum 7/7 and standard deviation of 0.74/0.46, written
retrograde. From the average values of other parameter we can make a con-
clusion that sandwiches need modifications in order to improve the qual-
ity on parameters, such as: composition of cross-section, stickiness of ba-
guettes, grassiness as well as flavour and an aftertaste of stuffing.
The grade of the overall dish is given as slightly more consistent cal-
culations, even though here the CV is relatively high, especially for salt-
iness. Calculation of coefficient of variation shows us the value of 136 %.
This means that we have to focus our attention when improving the dish
for saltiness, because the taste in mouth is evaluated with CV of 107 %.
We are assuming that both parameters are connected with each other and
need further modifications. The mean value for the parameter of aftertaste