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tenje in priznavanje neformalno in priložnostno pridobljenega znanja od-
raslih, ur. Tanja Vilič Klenovšek in Urška Pavlič, 126–141. Ljubljana:
Andragoški center Slovenije.
Vrečko, Igor. 2003. Strategija sistemskega razvoja nevladnih organizacij v Slo-
veniji za obdobje 2003–2008. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za pro-
jektni management.
Wadongo, Billy Indeche, in Magdy Abdel-Kader. 2014. »Contingency The-
ory, Performance Management and Organisational Effectiveness in
the Third Sector: A Theoretical Framework.« International Journal of
Productivity and Performance Management 63 (6): 680–703.
Wang, Yazhou, in Jian Lin. 2011. »Empirical Research on Influence of Mis-
sion Statements on the Performance of Nonprofit Organization.« Pro-
cedia Environmental Sciences 11 (A): 328–333.
Waters, Richard D., in Denise Sevick Bortree. 2010. »Building a Better
Workplace for Teen Volunteers through Inclusive Behaviors.« Non-
profit Management & Leadership 20 (3): 337–355.
Weber, Max. 2009. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Abingdon: Rout-
Weiss, Janet A., in Sandy K. Piderit. 1999. »The Value of Mission State-
ments in Public Agencies.« Journal of Public Administration Research
and Theory 9 (2): 193–224.
Wellens, Lore, in Marc Jegers. 2011. »Beneficiaries Participation in Non-
profit Organizations: A Theory-Based Approach.« Public Money & Ma-
nagement 31 (3): 175–182.
———. 2014a. »Effective Governance in Nonprofit Organizations: A Lite-
rature Based Multiple Stakeholder Approach.« European Management
Journal 32 (2): 223–243.
———. 2014b. »Beneficiary Participation As an Instrument of Downward
Accountability: A Multiple Case Study.« European Management Journal
32 (6): 938–949.
Willetts, Peter. 2002. »What is a Non-Governmental Organization? Output
from the Research Project on Civil Society Networks in Global Go-
Woodward, Joan. 1965. Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Young, Dennis R. 2004. »Deploying Resources Effectively.« V Generating
and Sustaining Nonprofit Earned Income: A Guide to Successful Enterprise