Page 10 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 10
rabo različnih (tudi neinvazivnih) me- mentioned in the 16th century. The first
tod, večkrat v obliki projektov mednaro- archaeological excavations took place
dnega sodelovanja v celotnem 20. stole- already in 1922 when the remains of
tju in naprej, kar jasno kaže pomembnost the ancient port were also measured;
najdišča, ki je zaščiteno kot spomenik throughout the 20th century the field re-
državnega pomena. search of the villa and the adjacent port
were frequently resumed with the use of
Stanovanjski del naše vile se razteza na different (often non-invasive) methods,
površini 3000 m², od katerih sta dva dela often in the form of international projects;
sedaj delno vidna - številni črno-beli mo- this clearly indicates the importance of
zaiki vile so pokriti z zaščitnimi plastmi. this site which is protected as a monu-
Bivalni prostori so razporejeni okrog no- ment of national importance.
tranjega dvorišča, celoten kompleks pa je
z daljšim hodnikom (portikom) povezan s The living area of the villa covers more
pristaniščem. V zaledju vile so bili odkriti than 3000 m², two sections of which
tudi ostanki vodovoda, ki je bil po glinenih are now partially visible – the numerous
ceveh speljan pod zemljo in je kompleks black-and-white mosaics of the villa are
vile oskrboval z vodo. covered with protective layers. The living
quarters are arranged around the inner
Novejša izkopavanja so prinesla po- courtyard, whereas the whole complex is
membne nove podatke o zgodovini vile: connected to the adjacent port via a lon-
gradili so jo med letoma 25 in 10 pr. n. š., ger corridor (portico). In the background
med letoma 50 in 70 n. š. pa so bili neka- remains of waterworks were discovered
teri stanovanjski deli že opuščeni. Hodnik – a set of clay pipes which ran under the
in še posebej pristanišče sta bila v upora- ground, supplying the villa with fresh
bi dlje. Pri izkopavanjih na območju vile v water.
tod, večkrat v obliki projektov mednaro- archaeological excavations took place
dnega sodelovanja v celotnem 20. stole- already in 1922 when the remains of
tju in naprej, kar jasno kaže pomembnost the ancient port were also measured;
najdišča, ki je zaščiteno kot spomenik throughout the 20th century the field re-
državnega pomena. search of the villa and the adjacent port
were frequently resumed with the use of
Stanovanjski del naše vile se razteza na different (often non-invasive) methods,
površini 3000 m², od katerih sta dva dela often in the form of international projects;
sedaj delno vidna - številni črno-beli mo- this clearly indicates the importance of
zaiki vile so pokriti z zaščitnimi plastmi. this site which is protected as a monu-
Bivalni prostori so razporejeni okrog no- ment of national importance.
tranjega dvorišča, celoten kompleks pa je
z daljšim hodnikom (portikom) povezan s The living area of the villa covers more
pristaniščem. V zaledju vile so bili odkriti than 3000 m², two sections of which
tudi ostanki vodovoda, ki je bil po glinenih are now partially visible – the numerous
ceveh speljan pod zemljo in je kompleks black-and-white mosaics of the villa are
vile oskrboval z vodo. covered with protective layers. The living
quarters are arranged around the inner
Novejša izkopavanja so prinesla po- courtyard, whereas the whole complex is
membne nove podatke o zgodovini vile: connected to the adjacent port via a lon-
gradili so jo med letoma 25 in 10 pr. n. š., ger corridor (portico). In the background
med letoma 50 in 70 n. š. pa so bili neka- remains of waterworks were discovered
teri stanovanjski deli že opuščeni. Hodnik – a set of clay pipes which ran under the
in še posebej pristanišče sta bila v upora- ground, supplying the villa with fresh
bi dlje. Pri izkopavanjih na območju vile v water.