Page 12 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 12
tega časa, ko je bila gladina morja že sea level is now 1, 6 m higher than in the
precej višja kot v rimskem obdobju, ter Roman period. SW of the port, massive
predstavljajo zelo redke dokaze, poveza- stone blocks are still visible under the
ne s pomorskimi dejavnostmi zgodnjega water: these were probably part of the
srednjega veka. port’s storage facilities. It is important
to emphasize that the port remained in
V primeru pomanjkanja vzdrževanja ar- use until the late middle ages – under-
heološkega parka, stalnega monitoringa water research yielded several wooden
spomenika in stalnega nadzora nad obi- elements, which could be the remains of
skovalci se lahko pospeši proces intenziv- wooden moorings from the time in ques-
nega propadanja in degradacije sestavnih tion – when the sea level was already
delov arheološkega spomenika in s tem much higher than in the Roman period
samega arheološkega območja antične –, thus representing a very rare proof of
vile kot celote (kopnega in podvodnega maritime activities in the early middle
dela). ages.
Posebno pozornost je pri zaščiti spome- Insufficient maintenance of the archaeo-
nika potrebno zagotoviti mozaikom kot logical park and the lack of constant mon-
bistvenemu arhitekturnemu delu arheo- itoring of all segments of the monument
loških arhitekturnih ostankov. Zagotoviti by a responsible expert service, as well
je treba ustrezne zaščitne konstrukcije as insufficient watch over the visitors
nadkritja nad mozaiki, ki bodo dolgoročno may help expedite the decay process
zagotovile ohranitev restavriranih mozai- and the degradation of individual parts
kov. Za potrebe ustrezne predstavitve je of this archaeological monument, which
treba prav tako restavrirati arhitekturne will result in the eventual collapse of the
precej višja kot v rimskem obdobju, ter Roman period. SW of the port, massive
predstavljajo zelo redke dokaze, poveza- stone blocks are still visible under the
ne s pomorskimi dejavnostmi zgodnjega water: these were probably part of the
srednjega veka. port’s storage facilities. It is important
to emphasize that the port remained in
V primeru pomanjkanja vzdrževanja ar- use until the late middle ages – under-
heološkega parka, stalnega monitoringa water research yielded several wooden
spomenika in stalnega nadzora nad obi- elements, which could be the remains of
skovalci se lahko pospeši proces intenziv- wooden moorings from the time in ques-
nega propadanja in degradacije sestavnih tion – when the sea level was already
delov arheološkega spomenika in s tem much higher than in the Roman period
samega arheološkega območja antične –, thus representing a very rare proof of
vile kot celote (kopnega in podvodnega maritime activities in the early middle
dela). ages.
Posebno pozornost je pri zaščiti spome- Insufficient maintenance of the archaeo-
nika potrebno zagotoviti mozaikom kot logical park and the lack of constant mon-
bistvenemu arhitekturnemu delu arheo- itoring of all segments of the monument
loških arhitekturnih ostankov. Zagotoviti by a responsible expert service, as well
je treba ustrezne zaščitne konstrukcije as insufficient watch over the visitors
nadkritja nad mozaiki, ki bodo dolgoročno may help expedite the decay process
zagotovile ohranitev restavriranih mozai- and the degradation of individual parts
kov. Za potrebe ustrezne predstavitve je of this archaeological monument, which
treba prav tako restavrirati arhitekturne will result in the eventual collapse of the