Page 421 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 421
pluriactivity, part-time farming, farm diversification ...

within the broader concept of pluriactivity of farm household members.
Farm-centred diversification further diversified the farm business. Family
members hold any off-farm employment and the relationship with the farm
business structure and farm accommodation type. This can be further dif-
ferentiated with other issues of family farm business and family life such as
the gender-bias implications in relationships between alternative farm-cen-
tred or farm-based accommodation diversification and off-farm activities.
Therefore, the nature of pluriactive farm businesses can be rather different.
Specific options of family farms or holdings are important for understand-
ing the structure and dynamics of agricultural holdings engaged in differ-
ent pluriactive strategies for their survival.

Bull and Corner’s (1993) study focuses on the historical development
and evolution of the pluriactive agricultural and rural household transfor-
mation from peasant to entrepreneur among family farms in Italy, which is
further investigated by Francks (1995), comparisons of similarities between
experience and possible alternative patterns in transformation of the small-
scale, multi-functional, agricultural and rural households from peasants to
entrepreneurs in Italy and Japan.

Similar country and comparative studies based on a country’s specif-
ic concept of pluriactivity have been conducted, also for some other devel-
oped countries such as, for example, Norway considering agricultural and
rural pluriactivity as household survival strategies and as an opportuni-
ty for rural renewal (Eikeland 1999) and Ireland, considering the concept
of pluriactivity as a farm household livelihood strategy, important for ag-
ricultural and rural development (Kinsella et al. 2000). Bessant (2006) ex-
plains the nature of pluriactivity in the United States (USA) and particular-
ly in Canada. For Canada, the presence, persistence, and varied forms and
functions of pluriactivity among farm households are explained in relation
to Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (SRL) concepts, which consist of adaptive
strategies, diversification and resilience.

Farm or agricultural holding pluriactivity can be found also in Slove-
nian agricultural and rural development. Similar to some western Europe-
an countries, but under a different institutional and policy environment,
the causalities between agricultural and non-agricultural activities have
changed over time. This has been caused by a rapid post-WWII industrial-
isation process with the use of agricultural resources to increase non-agri-
cultural activities. Later with a more decentralised or polycentric develop-
ment, a rural development pluriactivity was developed in association with

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