Page 430 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 430
integr ated peasant economy in a compar ative perspective

In Slovenia the FADN has started in the mid-1990s, but a reliable
FADN dataset at farm level has been available since 2004 when Slovenia
entered in the EU. The EU agricultural holding typology has been also
used by two censuses of agricultural holdings in 2000 and 2010. The EU
agricultural holding or farm typology as a uniform classification of agri-
cultural holdings in the EU classified farms by type of farming classifica-
tion of agricultural production and economic size classes of the agricul-
tural holdings in euros. Since 2005 the EU farm typology classification has
switched from the calculation of standard gross margins (SGM in econom-
ic size units, ESU = 1,200 euro) to standard output (SO) in euros on the ag-
ricultural holding, which includes a new classification variable for the other
gainful activities (OGA) that are directly related to the agricultural hold-
ing. Therefore, agricultural holdings can be classified also according to the
importance of the OGA directly related to the agricultural holding as the
share of the OGA turnover in the total turnover of the holding (including
direct payments – DPs).

FSS defines pluriactivity as a concept related to the farm manager with
the existence of OGAs for the farmer, activity other than activity relating
to farm work, which is carried out for remuneration such as external em-
ployment and setting up of tourism activities. In 2005, 36% of EU-27 fami-
ly farm managers were engaged in pluriactivity, which is more a specificity
of small farms (Barthomeuf 2008; Eurostat 2016a).

FSS defines diversification as a concept related to agricultural holdings
with the creation of any gainful activity that does not comprise farm work
but is directly related to the agricultural holding, which can be seen in Ta-
ble 1. In 2005, 12% of EU-27 agricultural holdings or farms were engaged in
farm diversification, which depends on farm size and type of farming. Di-
versification is more widespread on big farms. Processing of farm products
is the most widespread diversification activity on 55.8% of farms in EU-27
member states, for example in Italy on 84.0% of farms and in Hungary on
62.7% of farms. In addition, 7.1% of farms with diversification activity in
EU-27 member states diversified in tourism, for example in Austria 35% of
farms, in Sweden 22.8% of farms and in Slovenia 20.0% (Barthomeuf, 2008;
Eurostat, 2016a).

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