Page 428 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 428
integr ated peasant economy in a compar ative perspective

to the country’s capital or other better off-farm employment and income
generating opportunities. In both countries, off-farm employment and in-
comes of rural households are important.

Knific (2013) and Knific and Bojnec (2015a) following Kovačič (1996)
and Udovič, Kovačič, and Kramarič (2006) among the pure farms, includ-
ed agricultural holdings without the elderly members older than 64 years,
using the criteria that no one of the core agricultural household members is
employed outside the farm and the annual work unit (AWU = 1,800 hours
of labour per year) is at least 1.2. The mixed farm is defined in two ways:
first, as an agricultural holding with at least one of the core members that is
employed on the farm and at least one outside the farm and the amount of
work on the agricultural holding is at least 1.2 AWU, and secondly, as an ag-
ricultural holding, in which all members are off-farm employed or retired
or dependent persons and the total AWU is greater than 1 if they meet the
conditions: (i) non-elderly farm or pure farm and (ii) without supplemen-
tary activities on the farm. The supplementary farm is defined as an agri-
cultural holding with supplementary activities on the farm with at least 0.7
AWU in the agricultural activity. The farm in abandonment is defined as
an agricultural holding, which is not the elderly farm with members older
than 64 years and is not a supplementary farm and AWU in the agricultur-
al activity is less than 1 AWU.

Knific (2013) and Knific and Bojnec (2015a, b) present changes in in-
come diversification and strategies in agricultural holdings in the case of
the Škofjeloška hilly-mountain rural areas. Income diversification of agri-
cultural holdings with non-agricultural employment and off-farm incomes
is for the majority of them necessary for survival. The municipality of Šk-
ofja Loka is economically more developed with relatively favourable con-
ditions for agricultural production in the flat areas of Soriško polje. The
municipality of Gorenje vas-Poljane is economically less developed, with
a greater distance to urban centres and local markets and poorer limit-
ed conditions for agricultural production. Only the number of supplemen-
tary farms has increased in an area with better natural conditions for ag-
ricultural activity and in close proximity to urban centres, while decline
is for other socio-economic types of farms as real incomes from agricul-
tural activities decline in spite of the fact that state support to agriculture
has increased. Income from agricultural activities for the majority of agri-
cultural holdings is not sufficient for survival. Supplementary farms diver-
sify incomes from agricultural activity with supplementary activity from
self-employment and off-farm employment primarily to ensure a steady

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