Page 116 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 116
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 114 metrije. Razprava: S študijo primera, ki smo jo izvedli v skladu s EFSMA pri-
poročili za telesno aktivnost pri bolniku z astmo, smo potrdili učinke vadbe na
nekatere kazalnike zdravja in motorične sposobnosti.
Ključne besede: astma, zdravljenje, telesna aktivnost, priporočila, vadba na
Background: The aim of the research was to check the effects of physical activ-
ity, carried out in accordance with EFSMA recommendations (FITT Principle),
on some motoric skills and medical health indicators in a patient with bron-
chial asthma. Methods: Single case-study has been a part of European Federa-
tion of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA) project Exercise prescription for
Health (EPH). Before treatment, the patient (age 66, female, BMI 24,2) was appointed
to a sports medicine specialist for initial measurements (IM) and individualized
exercise prescription. The physical training (two 60-min sessions per week) has
been focused on strength, flexibility, coordination, stability and propriocep-
tive training. The effects of the training have been measured after three (3M)
and six months (6M). Results: Sorrenson test: IM 40s, 3M 170s, 6M 240; sit and
stand up test with 5 repetitions: IM 10s, 3M 9.15s, 6M 7.07s; sit and stand up test
with 15 repetitions: at IM patient was not able to perform the test, 3M 27s, 6M
23s; lean body mass: IM 46 kg, 3M 46.7, 6M 48.1 kg and muscle mass: IM 43.7 kg,
3M 44.3, 6M 45.7 kg; basal metabolic rate: IM 1364 kcal, 3M 1378 kcal, 6M 1422
kcal. Spirometry parameters have not changed during the measured period.
Discussion: Results of this single-case study, carried out in accordance with EFS-
MA recommendations for physical activity in patients with asthma, indicate im-
provements of medical health indicators and motoric skills in the patient with
bronchial asthma.
Key words: asthma, treatment, physical activity, recommendations, exercise
prescription for health.
poročili za telesno aktivnost pri bolniku z astmo, smo potrdili učinke vadbe na
nekatere kazalnike zdravja in motorične sposobnosti.
Ključne besede: astma, zdravljenje, telesna aktivnost, priporočila, vadba na
Background: The aim of the research was to check the effects of physical activ-
ity, carried out in accordance with EFSMA recommendations (FITT Principle),
on some motoric skills and medical health indicators in a patient with bron-
chial asthma. Methods: Single case-study has been a part of European Federa-
tion of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA) project Exercise prescription for
Health (EPH). Before treatment, the patient (age 66, female, BMI 24,2) was appointed
to a sports medicine specialist for initial measurements (IM) and individualized
exercise prescription. The physical training (two 60-min sessions per week) has
been focused on strength, flexibility, coordination, stability and propriocep-
tive training. The effects of the training have been measured after three (3M)
and six months (6M). Results: Sorrenson test: IM 40s, 3M 170s, 6M 240; sit and
stand up test with 5 repetitions: IM 10s, 3M 9.15s, 6M 7.07s; sit and stand up test
with 15 repetitions: at IM patient was not able to perform the test, 3M 27s, 6M
23s; lean body mass: IM 46 kg, 3M 46.7, 6M 48.1 kg and muscle mass: IM 43.7 kg,
3M 44.3, 6M 45.7 kg; basal metabolic rate: IM 1364 kcal, 3M 1378 kcal, 6M 1422
kcal. Spirometry parameters have not changed during the measured period.
Discussion: Results of this single-case study, carried out in accordance with EFS-
MA recommendations for physical activity in patients with asthma, indicate im-
provements of medical health indicators and motoric skills in the patient with
bronchial asthma.
Key words: asthma, treatment, physical activity, recommendations, exercise
prescription for health.