Page 115 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 115
hovih predlogov. Aktivna vključitev starejših delavcev v delovna okolja je 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 113
pomemben vidik zdravega staranja.
Ključne besede: starejši delavci; zmožnost za delo; delovno okolje
The proportion of older workers (65 and over) in European Union (EU) is pre-
dicted to increase by 20% until 2020. Due to longer life expectancy and later re-
tirement ages, the EU working population will be older than ever before. In gen-
eral, aging is characterized with the decline in physical work capacity and with
the presence of numerous chronic diseases. In terms of work, mainly muscu-
loskeletal disorders should be considered. Jobs with a high physical workload,
those that involve inappropriate working postures, repetitive tasks or handling
heavy loads becomes especially challenging for older workers. The working
environment (physical, mental, social) should be redesign to functional capa-
bilities and health status of individual older worker. Particularly the strengths
of older workers, such as experiences, should be utilized in the working pro-
cess. A useful option on how to redesign working environment for older work-
ers is to ask them how they would like to change and improve their work. Ac-
tive participation in working life plays an important role to ensure healthy and
active aging.
Key words: older workers; work capacity; working environment
Vadba na recept® pri bolnikih z astmo: predstavitev primera
Exercise Prescription for Health® in Patients with Bronchial
Asthma: a case report study
Vesna Wolf1, Andre Debruyne2, Joe Cumminskey2, Matej Kokalj Kokot3,4, Liljana
Ločniškar4, Aljaž Valič3,4, Ana Pajk3, Severina Štruc3, Herbert Löllgen2, Petra
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Isola, Slovenija
2 European Federation of Sports Medicine Association
3 IMS Institute for Medicine and Sports, Ljubljana, Slovenija
4 Health Center zavod Revita, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Izhodišča: Cilj raziskave je bil preveriti učinke vadbe, izvajane po priporočilih
Evropskega združenja za medicino športa (EFSMA), na izbrane kazalnike mo-
toričnih sposobnosti in zdravja pri pacientu z bronhialno astmo. Metode: V pi-
lotni del projekta je bil vključen eden bolnik z astmo (starost 66 let, ženski
spol, ITM 24,2). Pred pričetkom vadbe je opravil pregled pri specialistu medi-
cine športa in uvodne meritve (motorični testi, antropometrija, spirometrija)
(UM). Bolnik je bil vključen v individualno prilagojen vadbeni proces (dvakrat
tedensko po 60 min) s poudarkom na treningu moči, gibljivosti, koordinacije,
stabilnosti in propriocepcije. Učinek vadbe smo vrednotili po treh (3M) in šes-
tih mesecih (6M). Rezultati: Sorensonov test: UM 40s, 3M 170s, 6M 240s; test
vstajanja s stola s 5 ponovitvami: UM 10s, 3M 9.15s , 6M 7.07s; test vstajanja s
stola s 15 ponovitvami: na UM testa ni bil zmožen izvesti, 3M 27s, 6M 23s; pus-
ta telesna masa: UM 46kg, 3M 46.7kg, 6M 48.1kg; mišična masa: UM 43.7kg, 3M
44.3kg, 6M 45.7kg; bazalni metabolizem: UM 1364kcal, 3M 1278kcal, 6M 422kcal.
Meritve po treh in šestih mesecih niso pokazale sprememb v parametrih spiro-
pomemben vidik zdravega staranja.
Ključne besede: starejši delavci; zmožnost za delo; delovno okolje
The proportion of older workers (65 and over) in European Union (EU) is pre-
dicted to increase by 20% until 2020. Due to longer life expectancy and later re-
tirement ages, the EU working population will be older than ever before. In gen-
eral, aging is characterized with the decline in physical work capacity and with
the presence of numerous chronic diseases. In terms of work, mainly muscu-
loskeletal disorders should be considered. Jobs with a high physical workload,
those that involve inappropriate working postures, repetitive tasks or handling
heavy loads becomes especially challenging for older workers. The working
environment (physical, mental, social) should be redesign to functional capa-
bilities and health status of individual older worker. Particularly the strengths
of older workers, such as experiences, should be utilized in the working pro-
cess. A useful option on how to redesign working environment for older work-
ers is to ask them how they would like to change and improve their work. Ac-
tive participation in working life plays an important role to ensure healthy and
active aging.
Key words: older workers; work capacity; working environment
Vadba na recept® pri bolnikih z astmo: predstavitev primera
Exercise Prescription for Health® in Patients with Bronchial
Asthma: a case report study
Vesna Wolf1, Andre Debruyne2, Joe Cumminskey2, Matej Kokalj Kokot3,4, Liljana
Ločniškar4, Aljaž Valič3,4, Ana Pajk3, Severina Štruc3, Herbert Löllgen2, Petra
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Isola, Slovenija
2 European Federation of Sports Medicine Association
3 IMS Institute for Medicine and Sports, Ljubljana, Slovenija
4 Health Center zavod Revita, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Izhodišča: Cilj raziskave je bil preveriti učinke vadbe, izvajane po priporočilih
Evropskega združenja za medicino športa (EFSMA), na izbrane kazalnike mo-
toričnih sposobnosti in zdravja pri pacientu z bronhialno astmo. Metode: V pi-
lotni del projekta je bil vključen eden bolnik z astmo (starost 66 let, ženski
spol, ITM 24,2). Pred pričetkom vadbe je opravil pregled pri specialistu medi-
cine športa in uvodne meritve (motorični testi, antropometrija, spirometrija)
(UM). Bolnik je bil vključen v individualno prilagojen vadbeni proces (dvakrat
tedensko po 60 min) s poudarkom na treningu moči, gibljivosti, koordinacije,
stabilnosti in propriocepcije. Učinek vadbe smo vrednotili po treh (3M) in šes-
tih mesecih (6M). Rezultati: Sorensonov test: UM 40s, 3M 170s, 6M 240s; test
vstajanja s stola s 5 ponovitvami: UM 10s, 3M 9.15s , 6M 7.07s; test vstajanja s
stola s 15 ponovitvami: na UM testa ni bil zmožen izvesti, 3M 27s, 6M 23s; pus-
ta telesna masa: UM 46kg, 3M 46.7kg, 6M 48.1kg; mišična masa: UM 43.7kg, 3M
44.3kg, 6M 45.7kg; bazalni metabolizem: UM 1364kcal, 3M 1278kcal, 6M 422kcal.
Meritve po treh in šestih mesecih niso pokazale sprememb v parametrih spiro-