Page 84 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 84
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 82 Shift work is defined as the work, which is time-permanently or frequently dis-
posed outside the standard operating time. It affects the majority of bodily
functions which are synchronized with the 24-hour circadian rhythm. The most
pronounced impact on sleep, on an autonomous vegetative processes and the
ability to work. Nurses in order to ensure quality and continuous care work
within these flexible working time, which still remains a necessary form of their
work. Numerous studies have shown that age and the years of doing shift work
among nurses increases susceptibility to internal desinhronisation and thus to
a reduced tolerance for shift work, which is manifested by the appearance of
health problems associated with shift work. Neurovegetative reactions in re-
sponse to the collapse of the circadian rhythm, leading to increased hormonal
reactions, which together with other risk factors lead to an increased risk for
developing cardiovascular diseases. A review of Slovenian and foreign scientific
and professional literature identified the existence of evidence supporting the
theory of the impact of shift work on the incidence of cardiovascular disease in
nurses. There is a need for urgent solutions, because we are facing with need
to define additional strategies that will reduce the incidence of cardiovascular
disease in nurses and the negative consequences in health care facilities and in
the context of the general public policy..
Key words: nurse, shift work, circadian rhythm, cardiovascular disease.

Kakovost življenja žensk v času žalovanja
po perinatalni smrti otroka
Womans' quality of life during the grief process
after perinatal death
Tjaša Šapla Troha, Maša Černelič Bizjak
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola
Izhodišča: Okoli petina nosečnosti po vsem svetu se konča s spontanim spla-
vom, izvenmaternično nosečnostjo ali mrtvorojenostjo. Ženske pogosto svojih
čustev ob teh dogodkih ne kažejo, jih potlačijo, ne govorijo o izgubi, niti pros-
ijo za pomoč. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti fizične in duševne vidike zdrav-
ja žensk po izgubi otroka in posledice nerazrešenega žalovanja. Metode: V ra-
ziskavi je sodelovalo 108 žensk, ki so doživele perinatalno izgubo. Uporabljen
je bil Münchenski vprašalnik žalovanja ter vprašalnik o drugih demografskih po-
datkih vključenih žensk. Rezultati: Statistično pomembne razlike v doživljanju
žalosti so se pokazale glede na gestacijsko starost otroka (p < 0,01), starost ma-
tere (p < 0,05) ter časom, ki je minil od otrokove smrti (p < 0,01). V kliničnem
okolju so ženske presojale obravnavo zdravstvenih delavcev, v domačem okol-
ju pa so prejele več razumevanja in sočutne obravnave. Raziskava je bila podla-
ga za izdelavo protokola z navodili za ravnanje ob mrtvorojenosti, s poudarkom
na duševnem počutju matere. Diskusija in zaključki: Zelo pomembna je strokov-
na usposobljenost zdravstvenih delavcev, ki imajo prvi stik s pretreseno mater-
jo in hkrati velik vpliv, da preprečijo patološke procese žalovanja. Na podla-
gi skrbnega načrtovanja zdravstvene nege in s pomočjo protokola, medicinska
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