Page 79 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 79
appeared; whether occurrence of physiological childbirth is present more 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 77
during the day or night shift and how does actively managed labour reflect in
Apgar’s score. Methods: The research was carried out in the Hospital for wom-
en’s diseases and obstetrics Postojna. Medical records were collected from 200
childbirths from the period of January 2011 until April 2012. The childbirths in-
cluded were divided into two groups: a 100 physiological and a 100 which were
actively managed. In both groups nulliparous women prevailed and the ma-
jority of them were aged 20 to 35 years; they were between the 37th and 41st
week of gestation; with one foetus, positioned head first as their prominent
feature; all women were without epidural anaesthesia and their pregnancy was
not considered a pathological one. Results: The research results suggest that
the physiological childbirth is in general shorter for an hour and that the peri-
neum is left intact in twice as many cases (n=63) when comparing to an actively
managed labour. A higher percentage (48%) of episiotomies was established in
the case of actively managed labour; however the percentage of first and sec-
ond degree perineum rupture wasn’t statistically significant. Caesarean section
was only present in actively managed labour. Most of physiological childbirths
took place during 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. Discussion and Conclusions: The findings of
the research are in favour of physiological childbirth, since it has been estab-
lished that they last less time, end with an intact perineum, there is less chance
for an episiotomy and the development of meconium amniotic fluid, less new-
borns with a lower Apgar score and less chance for a childbirth to be ended
with a Caesarean section.
Key words: physiological childbirth, active labour management, episiotomy,
Caesarean section, rupture of the perineum
Kakovost spolnega življenja žensk po porodu z epiziotomijo
The quality of sexual life after experiencing the episiotomy birth
Polona A. Mivšek, Petra Petročnik, Anita Jug Došler, Teja Škodič Zakšek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Izhodišča: Epiziotomija je prerez presredka med porodom za povečanje porod-
nega izhoda. Dokazano je, da je interes žensk za spolni akt po porodu že tako
manjši kot v času izpred nosečnosti ali med nosečnostjo. K temu doprinese-
jo spremembe vezane na poporodno obdobje, v veliki meri pa na to vpliva tu-
di morebitna poškodba mehke porodne poti. Namen je pregledati literaturo
o tem kako poškodbe presredka vplivajo na pojav bolečega spolnega odnosa v
puerperiju. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda pre-
gleda domače in tuje literature, na znanstveni in strokovni ravni. Pregled liter-
ature je potekal v mesecu januarju 2017, s pomočjo mednarodnih podatkovnih
baz. Ob tem so bile uporabljene iskalne fraze »episiotomy«, »sexuality« »post-
partum« in »dispareunia«. Iskanje je bilo omejeno na slovenski in angleški jezik,
ter na obdobje od vključno 2007 do 2017. Rezultati: Incidenca epiziotomije v
Sloveniji je nižja od 30 %, vendar pa variira glede na posamezne porodnišnice.
Prav epiziotomija je pogost razlog, da se ženske bojijo prvega spolnega odnosa,
during the day or night shift and how does actively managed labour reflect in
Apgar’s score. Methods: The research was carried out in the Hospital for wom-
en’s diseases and obstetrics Postojna. Medical records were collected from 200
childbirths from the period of January 2011 until April 2012. The childbirths in-
cluded were divided into two groups: a 100 physiological and a 100 which were
actively managed. In both groups nulliparous women prevailed and the ma-
jority of them were aged 20 to 35 years; they were between the 37th and 41st
week of gestation; with one foetus, positioned head first as their prominent
feature; all women were without epidural anaesthesia and their pregnancy was
not considered a pathological one. Results: The research results suggest that
the physiological childbirth is in general shorter for an hour and that the peri-
neum is left intact in twice as many cases (n=63) when comparing to an actively
managed labour. A higher percentage (48%) of episiotomies was established in
the case of actively managed labour; however the percentage of first and sec-
ond degree perineum rupture wasn’t statistically significant. Caesarean section
was only present in actively managed labour. Most of physiological childbirths
took place during 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. Discussion and Conclusions: The findings of
the research are in favour of physiological childbirth, since it has been estab-
lished that they last less time, end with an intact perineum, there is less chance
for an episiotomy and the development of meconium amniotic fluid, less new-
borns with a lower Apgar score and less chance for a childbirth to be ended
with a Caesarean section.
Key words: physiological childbirth, active labour management, episiotomy,
Caesarean section, rupture of the perineum
Kakovost spolnega življenja žensk po porodu z epiziotomijo
The quality of sexual life after experiencing the episiotomy birth
Polona A. Mivšek, Petra Petročnik, Anita Jug Došler, Teja Škodič Zakšek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Izhodišča: Epiziotomija je prerez presredka med porodom za povečanje porod-
nega izhoda. Dokazano je, da je interes žensk za spolni akt po porodu že tako
manjši kot v času izpred nosečnosti ali med nosečnostjo. K temu doprinese-
jo spremembe vezane na poporodno obdobje, v veliki meri pa na to vpliva tu-
di morebitna poškodba mehke porodne poti. Namen je pregledati literaturo
o tem kako poškodbe presredka vplivajo na pojav bolečega spolnega odnosa v
puerperiju. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda pre-
gleda domače in tuje literature, na znanstveni in strokovni ravni. Pregled liter-
ature je potekal v mesecu januarju 2017, s pomočjo mednarodnih podatkovnih
baz. Ob tem so bile uporabljene iskalne fraze »episiotomy«, »sexuality« »post-
partum« in »dispareunia«. Iskanje je bilo omejeno na slovenski in angleški jezik,
ter na obdobje od vključno 2007 do 2017. Rezultati: Incidenca epiziotomije v
Sloveniji je nižja od 30 %, vendar pa variira glede na posamezne porodnišnice.
Prav epiziotomija je pogost razlog, da se ženske bojijo prvega spolnega odnosa,