Page 81 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 81
so bile za sodelovanje predhodno zaprošene preko spletnih forumov in 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 79
skupin, kjer so tudi dobile povezavo na spletno anketo. Anketiranje je potekalo
od januarja do junija 2015. Podatki so bili obdelani s pomočjo osnovne deskrip-
tivne statistike. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da si večina žensk, ki
so v perinatalnem obdobju izgubile otroka, o svoji izkušnji želi govoriti. S stra-
ni zdravstvenih delavcev so bile povečini deležne empatične, spoštljive in spod-
budne obravnave. Kljub temu, da so zdravstveni delavci dovzetni za potrebe
in želje žensk ter spoštujejo njihova čustva, pa je njihovo profesionalno veden-
je v čustveno zahtevnejših situacijah bolj zadržano, kar pa je v nasprotju z žel-
jami in potrebami žensk. K temu včasih prispeva tudi način dela, ki dopušča oz.
spodbuja bolj togo profesionalno vedenje. Diskusija in zaključki: Na področju
perinatalne paliativne zdravstvene nege je pri zdravstvenih delavcih potrebno
še izboljšati poznavanje potreb žalujočih staršev ter jih dodatno usposabljati za
delo z žalujočimi starši. Potrebno pa je tudi odpraviti pomanjkljivosti v sistemu
obravnave, da bi le-ta bil do žalujočih staršev bolj podporen.
Ključne besede: perinatalna smrt, potrebe žalujočih mater, zdravstveni delavci,
Introduction: Perinatal death is an extremely sensitive area in a parents‘ life since
it is considered to be the most painful of losses. From health care profession-
als it requires expert and compassionate treatment that will help parents in the
process of coping with the loss of a child. Health care professionals should be
able to listen and to be receptive to parents‘ needs and not become insensi-
tive to their grief. The purpose of the research was to gain insight into the ex-
periences of women in Slovenian maternity hospitals who have experienced
the loss of a child in the perinatal period. Methods: A quantitative research ap-
proach was based on an online survey convenience sample of women (n = 114)
who have experienced the loss of a child in the perinatal period. Women were
previously requested to participate via online forums and groups where they
also get a link to the online survey. The survey was conducted from January to
June 2015. The data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics. Results: The
results showed that the majority of women which have experienced perinatal
loss of a child, wants to talk about their experience. Health care profession-
als have been mostly empathic, respectful and supportive to them in the treat-
ment. Despite the fact that health care professionals are sensitive to the needs
and aspirations of women and respect their feelings, their professional behav-
ior in emotionally demanding situations was more reserved, which is against
the wishes and women‘s needs. This is sometimes due to the way of work-
ing, which allows and encourages more rigid professional behavior. Discussion
and Conclusions: In the area of perinatal palliative care there is the need to fur-
ther improve understanding of the needs of grieving parents among health care
professionals and additionally trainings to work with bereaved parents. It is al-
so necessary to overcome the shortcomings in the system of treatment to be
more supportive to grieving parents.
Key words: perinatal death, needs of grieving mothers, health care
professionals, support
skupin, kjer so tudi dobile povezavo na spletno anketo. Anketiranje je potekalo
od januarja do junija 2015. Podatki so bili obdelani s pomočjo osnovne deskrip-
tivne statistike. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da si večina žensk, ki
so v perinatalnem obdobju izgubile otroka, o svoji izkušnji želi govoriti. S stra-
ni zdravstvenih delavcev so bile povečini deležne empatične, spoštljive in spod-
budne obravnave. Kljub temu, da so zdravstveni delavci dovzetni za potrebe
in želje žensk ter spoštujejo njihova čustva, pa je njihovo profesionalno veden-
je v čustveno zahtevnejših situacijah bolj zadržano, kar pa je v nasprotju z žel-
jami in potrebami žensk. K temu včasih prispeva tudi način dela, ki dopušča oz.
spodbuja bolj togo profesionalno vedenje. Diskusija in zaključki: Na področju
perinatalne paliativne zdravstvene nege je pri zdravstvenih delavcih potrebno
še izboljšati poznavanje potreb žalujočih staršev ter jih dodatno usposabljati za
delo z žalujočimi starši. Potrebno pa je tudi odpraviti pomanjkljivosti v sistemu
obravnave, da bi le-ta bil do žalujočih staršev bolj podporen.
Ključne besede: perinatalna smrt, potrebe žalujočih mater, zdravstveni delavci,
Introduction: Perinatal death is an extremely sensitive area in a parents‘ life since
it is considered to be the most painful of losses. From health care profession-
als it requires expert and compassionate treatment that will help parents in the
process of coping with the loss of a child. Health care professionals should be
able to listen and to be receptive to parents‘ needs and not become insensi-
tive to their grief. The purpose of the research was to gain insight into the ex-
periences of women in Slovenian maternity hospitals who have experienced
the loss of a child in the perinatal period. Methods: A quantitative research ap-
proach was based on an online survey convenience sample of women (n = 114)
who have experienced the loss of a child in the perinatal period. Women were
previously requested to participate via online forums and groups where they
also get a link to the online survey. The survey was conducted from January to
June 2015. The data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics. Results: The
results showed that the majority of women which have experienced perinatal
loss of a child, wants to talk about their experience. Health care profession-
als have been mostly empathic, respectful and supportive to them in the treat-
ment. Despite the fact that health care professionals are sensitive to the needs
and aspirations of women and respect their feelings, their professional behav-
ior in emotionally demanding situations was more reserved, which is against
the wishes and women‘s needs. This is sometimes due to the way of work-
ing, which allows and encourages more rigid professional behavior. Discussion
and Conclusions: In the area of perinatal palliative care there is the need to fur-
ther improve understanding of the needs of grieving parents among health care
professionals and additionally trainings to work with bereaved parents. It is al-
so necessary to overcome the shortcomings in the system of treatment to be
more supportive to grieving parents.
Key words: perinatal death, needs of grieving mothers, health care
professionals, support