Page 274 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 274
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš
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Razprave in gradivo 44: 38−64.
Kalc, A. 2019. »The Other Side of the ‚Istrian Exodus‘: Immigration and Social
Restoration in Slovenian Coastal Towns in the 1950s.« Dve domovini 49:
Kidron, C. A. 2009. »Toward an Ethnography of Silence: The Lived Presence
of the Past in the Everyday Life of Holocaust Trauma Survivors and Their
Descendants in Israel.« Current Anthropology 50 (1): 5−27.
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Levi, P. 2003 (1986). Potopljeni in rešeni. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis.
Lichterman, P. 2017. »Interpretive Reflexivity in Ethnography.« Ethnography 18
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Masero, M. 2017. »The Wisdom of the Body and Couple Therapy – A
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Perspective: An Interview with Pat Ogden.«
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 38 (4): 657−68.
Nora, P. 1986. Les lieux de mémoire: La nation. Pariz: Gallimard.
Oravecz, R. 2000. »Violence, Shame and Humiliation.« Psihološka obzorja 2
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Portelli, A. 1997. The Battle of Valle Giulia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Praper, P. 1999. »Transfer in kontratransfer v razvojni analitični psihoterapiji.«
Psihološka obzorja 8 (1): 67−76.
Reed, I. A. 2012. Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in
Human Sciences. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press.
Hrobat Virloget, K., C. Gousseff in G. Corni, ur. 2015. At Home but Foreigners:
Population Transfers in 20th Century Istria. Koper: Univerzitetna založ-
ba Annales.
Jurić Pahor, M. 2004. »Neizgubljivi čas: travma fašizma in nacionalsocializ-
ma v luči nuje po ‚obdobju latence‘ in transgeneracijske transmisije.«
Razprave in gradivo 44: 38−64.
Kalc, A. 2019. »The Other Side of the ‚Istrian Exodus‘: Immigration and Social
Restoration in Slovenian Coastal Towns in the 1950s.« Dve domovini 49:
Kidron, C. A. 2009. »Toward an Ethnography of Silence: The Lived Presence
of the Past in the Everyday Life of Holocaust Trauma Survivors and Their
Descendants in Israel.« Current Anthropology 50 (1): 5−27.
Kovač, T. 2019. »Medgeneracijski prenos travme in njegov vpliv na družino.«
Diplomska naloga, Univerza v Ljubljani.
Levi, P. 2003 (1986). Potopljeni in rešeni. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis.
Lichterman, P. 2017. »Interpretive Reflexivity in Ethnography.« Ethnography 18
(1): 34−45.
Masero, M. 2017. »The Wisdom of the Body and Couple Therapy – A
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Perspective: An Interview with Pat Ogden.«
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 38 (4): 657−68.
Nora, P. 1986. Les lieux de mémoire: La nation. Pariz: Gallimard.
Oravecz, R. 2000. »Violence, Shame and Humiliation.« Psihološka obzorja 2
(9): 121−30.
Passerini, L. 2008. Ustna zgodovina, spol in utopija: izbrani spisi. Ljubljana.
Studia humanitatis.
Pavone, C. 1992. Una guerra civile: Saggio sulla moralita nella Resistenza.
Milano: Bollati Boringhieri.
Perme, F., A. Žitnik in D. Žitnik, ur. 2000. Slovenija 1941−1948−1952: tudi mi
smo umrli za domovino: zamolčani grobovi in njihove žrtve. Ljubljana;
Grosuplje: Društvo za ureditev zamolčanih grobov.
Portelli, A. 1997. The Battle of Valle Giulia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Praper, P. 1999. »Transfer in kontratransfer v razvojni analitični psihoterapiji.«
Psihološka obzorja 8 (1): 67−76.
Reed, I. A. 2012. Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in
Human Sciences. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press.