Page 342 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 342
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš
MKGP. 2014. »Javni pregledovalnik grafičnih podatkov MKGP-RKG.«
Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.
SURS. 2020a. »Prebivalstvo – izbrani kazalniki, naselja, Slovenija, letno.«
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije.
px we b/s l /10_ D em _ s o c /10_ D em _ s o c _ _05 _ pre biv a l s t vo _ _ 10_ s te v i lo _
SURS. 2020b. »Prebivalstvo po tipu selitve, naselja, Slovenija, popis 2002.«
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije.
SURS. 2020c. »Popis prebivalstva 1971, 1981 in 1991.« Statistični urad Republike
Ownership and land use changes in the last two hundred years in
Slovene Istria: case study of the settlement of Pomjan
In this paper, changes in the ownership structure of plots and land use in
the settlement of Pomjan in Slovene Istria in the last 200 years are dis-
cussed. Plots were selected as the unit of study for which we determined the
values o f thirteen variables, related to land use and ownership. As a source,
we used the graphic and descriptive part of the Franciscan Cadastre and the
Land Use database of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and
the data regarding the ownership of plots of the Surveying and Mapping
Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. The results showed very dynamic
ownership changes during the considered period. The share of owners of
plots in Pomjan, owned by residents of Pomjan, decreased from 59% to 24%
in the 200-year long period, and the share of owners from the cadastral
community of Pomjan in total from 66% to 25%. The share of owners resid-
ing in settlements in the Municipality of Koper but outside the Pomjan ca-
dastral community decreased from 32% to 29%. From the beginning of the
19th century, the share of parcels owned by legal entities increased by more
than 20%, amounting to 29% in 2011. 2% of parcels were owned by owners
residing in a foreign country. In the research, we did not find any signifi-
cant differences between the ownership and land-use of plots, which would
confirm the assumption that the land of owners with more distant resi-
dence has a different use or that they are largely abandoned or less inten-
sively cultivated. We proved that in both studied periods, there is a statisti-
MKGP. 2014. »Javni pregledovalnik grafičnih podatkov MKGP-RKG.«
Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.
SURS. 2020a. »Prebivalstvo – izbrani kazalniki, naselja, Slovenija, letno.«
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije.
px we b/s l /10_ D em _ s o c /10_ D em _ s o c _ _05 _ pre biv a l s t vo _ _ 10_ s te v i lo _
SURS. 2020b. »Prebivalstvo po tipu selitve, naselja, Slovenija, popis 2002.«
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije.
SURS. 2020c. »Popis prebivalstva 1971, 1981 in 1991.« Statistični urad Republike
Ownership and land use changes in the last two hundred years in
Slovene Istria: case study of the settlement of Pomjan
In this paper, changes in the ownership structure of plots and land use in
the settlement of Pomjan in Slovene Istria in the last 200 years are dis-
cussed. Plots were selected as the unit of study for which we determined the
values o f thirteen variables, related to land use and ownership. As a source,
we used the graphic and descriptive part of the Franciscan Cadastre and the
Land Use database of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and
the data regarding the ownership of plots of the Surveying and Mapping
Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. The results showed very dynamic
ownership changes during the considered period. The share of owners of
plots in Pomjan, owned by residents of Pomjan, decreased from 59% to 24%
in the 200-year long period, and the share of owners from the cadastral
community of Pomjan in total from 66% to 25%. The share of owners resid-
ing in settlements in the Municipality of Koper but outside the Pomjan ca-
dastral community decreased from 32% to 29%. From the beginning of the
19th century, the share of parcels owned by legal entities increased by more
than 20%, amounting to 29% in 2011. 2% of parcels were owned by owners
residing in a foreign country. In the research, we did not find any signifi-
cant differences between the ownership and land-use of plots, which would
confirm the assumption that the land of owners with more distant resi-
dence has a different use or that they are largely abandoned or less inten-
sively cultivated. We proved that in both studied periods, there is a statisti-